Page 40 of Illicit Monster

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His lips twitch. "Aye, but I am. Now, act like ya actually give a shit."

I take a deep breath and force myself to smile, using a sugary, fake voice, declaring, "I can't wait to marry ya in two weeks."

Satisfaction lights up his face. "Perfect. The seamstress will be here in fifteen minutes. You can meet her up in the suite. I shouldn't be there for that. See ya later, princess." He winks and leaves the room.

What the—

"One more thing," he interjects, reappearing in the doorway.

I slowly meet his eyes.

He warns, "A perfect bride is excited about her upcoming wedding. I expect everyone in this house to see it. Otherwise, I'm calling the attorney."

My gut drops.

"Am I clear?" he challenges.

I take a deep breath. "Yea. We're clear."

"Good. Have fun picking out your white dress." He winks and disappears.

For several moments, I'm too stunned to move. I stare at the huge diamond on my finger next to Ma's tarnished gold band.

What the heck did I just agree to?

Why is he making me do this?

Scarlet chirps, "Tynan just said you're going to have a real wedding?"

I glance at her. Lauren stands next to her with Dominick on her hip.

I pull it together and try to sound excited. "Yea."

"You don't look happy," Lauren states with disapproval on her face.

Tynan's threat to call the attorney and not protect Da flashes before me. I square my shoulders, lift my chin, and smile as big as possible. "I am. I'm just shocked at this ring. And I'm stunned Tynan wants to have such a big, elaborate event." I hold my hand out, showing them the ring.

It's a good distraction. Scarlet and Lauren fuss over it, giving me a few more minutes to shake off my shock.

Scarlet asks, "Can we sit with ya while the seamstress is here? It'll be fun to see what ya decide for your dress."

I nod. "Yea."

They lead me through the house only moments before Elise Moreau arrives.

She's an older lady with thick, blue, cat-eyed glasses. Her gray-and-black hair is pinned to her head in a twist, and she has a deep French accent. "Well, well, aren't you just a darling?" she proclaims, glancing over at me.

It's uncomfortable. No one's ever fussed over me, nor have I ever had anything made for me.

Several men wheel in racks of fabric and a box full of books.

We spend hours thumbing through the books until we finally decide on a design. Then she has me feel all the different fabrics.

Scarlet and Lauren are way more excited than I am. Yet, I do everything possible to act excited, never forgetting my husband's threat.

Once the decisions are made, and my measurements are taken, Elise leaves. The three of us go downstairs, and Tynan magically appears.

He declares, "Wedding planner's here. Let's go, princess." He holds out his hand.
