Page 43 of Illicit Monster

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Tynan's voice grows more excited. He teases, "I like to party. Do you like to party, Maeve?"

I can't help but smile. "Maybe not as much as you. A little bit."

He grins. "Definitely keep The Treehouse on the list. What else?"

Amelia continues. "We have the Cafe Parisian Belfast. It's a real vintage Paris feel but super chic."

"No to the French theme. We're Irish," Tynan states.

I softly laugh. "Okay, I guess we don't want the French one."

Amelia flips to another tab. "Let's look at restaurants. We have a few choices there. There's Deanes at Queens, which is super sophisticated. It's a more elegant wedding venue. Intimate but super classic."

I glance at Tynan. He shakes his head. "I'm not a big fan of Deanes at Queens."

"No?" Amelia asks in surprise.

"Aye. There's something about it I don't like."

She looks back at her book. "Well, there's James Street, which guarantees high-quality dining. Niall McKenna is the owner—"

"He's known for being a trailblazer in the Belfast restaurant scene! His food's supposed to be amazing," I gush.

Tynan arches his eyebrows. "Are you a foodie?"

"No, I've never had the money to be a foodie."

"If you're not a foodie, how do ya know about Niall?" Tynan questions.

"I read articles about food, and he's always in them."

Amusement fills his expression. "Put that at the top of the list. Is there anything else we should look at?"

Amelia glances at her book. "Well, The Muddlers Club has a few Michelin stars."

Tynan declares, "No. Next."

I don't know why he doesn't like it, but I don't care. If I get a pick, I'm picking James Street.

Amelia continues, "There's The OX if ya want exceptional fine dining."

Tynan looks at me. "What do ya think?"

"James Street," I answer without hesitation.

He grins. "James Street it is, then."

Excitement fills me. I've always wanted to try Niall's food.

Amelia nods, but then frowns. "We really are going to have an issue with the date. You should consider moving your wedding out a year or possibly doing it here."

"No. We're having it in two weeks and at James Street. Find out who has the restaurant that night. I'll take care of it," Tynan reiterates.

Amelia's lips twitch. "Okay, I'm on it."

"Great. Now, what else do we need to do?" Tynan asks.

"Let's look at the flowers." She opens another book, but I barely pay attention. I'm too excited I'll get a meal at James Street. And while I'm still in shock that we're planning this whole ordeal, maybe it won't be so bad after all.
