Page 48 of Illicit Monster

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"Well, I'm sure you don't make her happy," he claims.

I put my hand around his throat and push him against the wall. His eyes widen. I lift him slightly so he's on his toes. He gasps for air, and I sneer. "I make her happier than you ever did. Now, you'll shut your mouth and do whatever it takes to appease her. You'll get sober and stay that way so you can attend the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night. The next day, you're going to walk her down the aisle as she wishes. Do you understand me?"

He chokes some more until I finally release him.

"I want an answer," I bark.

"Fine," he agrees and places his hand over where mine was on his neck.

I shake my head in disgust. "You better not fuck this up, Malachy." I turn and get to the door, then stop. I look behind me again, adding, "Don't ya dare leave this room. My guy will be standing outside the door, so if ya attempt it, I'll know. Your suit will be dropped off, and tomorrow night at six, he'll escort ya to the dinner. Don't fuck it up."

He says nothing.

I leave and return to Brody's. When I walk in, my sister Bridget, her husband Dante, and her kids Fiona and Sean Jr. are there.

The kids come running at me, and I pull them into a hug. "Good to see ya all."

"Where have ya been?" Fiona questions.

"Don't ask stupid questions," Sean Jr. says.

"Shut up," she scolds.

I laugh. "Can see nothing's changed between you two."

"Except he gets more annoying," Fiona claims.

Sean grunts.

I hug Bridget, pat Dante on the back, and announce, "I need a shower. I'll see ya later, okay?"

"Can we box later?" Sean Jr. asks.

"Sure," I say.

I leave them and enter our suite.

Maeve steps out of the bathroom. Her eyes light up, but there's also worry in them, and I hate that, once again, Malachy's causing her stress.

She frets, "Did ya find my da?"

"Aye. He's in a hotel, and I have a guy watching him. He'll be there tomorrow night and at the wedding. You happy now?"

She beams at me and throws her arms around my neck. "I am. Thank you, babes."

I take advantage of it, hold her tight, then kiss her.

She doesn't resist and kisses me back, making me wonder if it was worth all my troubles to find Malachy.

My erection immediately returns, throbbing. I murmur, "Only a few hours left, princess."

She pulls back and swallows hard, staring at me.

I don't know what to make of it. I kiss her again until she's breathless and her knees wobble. Then I murmur, "Tell me ya don't want me, sunshine."

She opens her mouth to speak, and there's a knock on the door.

Sean Jr.'s voice fills the room. "Sorry to interrupt. Granddad wants to see ya."
