Page 49 of Illicit Monster

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I groan, study Maeve for another moment, then kiss her forehead. "Until later, princess."

I follow Sean Jr. through the house to Brody's office. I step inside and question, "What's going on?"

Dad asks, "Did ya put a guard on Malachy?"

"Cathal and Brogan are on the rotation."

"Good. You know he's going to be trouble if ya don't watch him."

"No thanks to you," I accuse.

His lips twitch. "Let me give ya some advice, son. Do the little things to make your bride happy."

"Stop interfering in my marriage."

"Stop making pigheaded decisions."

I cross my arms. "I mean it. My business with my wife is my business, not yours."

"Hey, I merely offer suggestions to help ya have a happy marital situation," he claims.

I grunt. "Sure ya do." I exit the room and return to the suite to shower.

The rest of the night goes by quickly. My brothers, Dante, and Sean Jr. take me to a pub for my bachelor party. We all drink way too much. I arrive back at Brody's and slide into bed next to Maeve. I turn her toward me, then kiss her, waking her up.

She wrinkles her nose. "Ya smell like a pub."

"So what?" I mutter and slide my hands between her thighs.

She squirms away from me, accusing, "What are ya doing?"

"What do ya think I'm doing? Besides, ya know ya want me."

"What, like this?" she accuses angrily.

"Don't be a prude," I tell her, pressing my lips to hers again.

She doesn't return my kiss, and her body tenses.

I grumble, "When are ya going to turn into the perfect wife?"

"When ya turn into the perfect husband. Now get off me," she orders.

"Whatever," I mutter, roll over, and pass out.

The next day, I wake up, and she's gone. I box with Sean Jr. and my brothers. Then, I check off the rest of the items on my task list.

When it's time for the rehearsal dinner, I get ready. I step out of the bathroom, and Maeve's already dressed. My pulse races faster.

She's wearing a hot-pink long dress and silver stilettos. Her hair's in an updo, diamond earrings hang from her ears, and a matching choker sits around her neck.

I whistle. "Ya just made my cock harder."

She rolls her eyes. "Again?"

I shrug. "My balls can only turn so blue, princess."

She shakes her head. "Are you going to be annoying all night?"
