Page 58 of Illicit Monster

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"He can't even choose you over another bet," Tynan seethes.

My lips tremble.

He asks me again. "Is that what ya want to do? Go back with him?"

Part of me silently begs for my da to look at me again, but he never does.

"Ya want to pick an alcoholic gambler over me?" Tynan asks with hurt in his voice.

Yet it's not that easy for me. I love my da, but I also like being with Tynan and the security being his wife offers. It takes me a minute to finally answer, "No, of course not. I choose you."

He says nothing else and ushers me through the restaurant and into the car. The entire ride to the hotel is silent. When we get into our room, he unzips my dress, removes his clothes, and slides into bed.

I step out of my dress and lie next to him. I reach for him, but he grabs my wrist, warning, "Don't touch me."

Too many drinks of alcohol and confusion hit a limit along with the stress of the day. I hurl, "What? Ya don't want me now?"

He locks eyes with me. "No. I don't want a wife who doesn't choose me over that piece of shit."

"He's my da!" I exclaim.

He angrily shakes his head, releases me, and gets off the bed. He picks up a pillow.

A new fear fills me. "Where are ya going?"

"To the sofa."

"Ya aren't going to sleep with me?"

He sniffs hard and scowls. "No. I don't sleep with women who hesitate to choose me."



Maeve quietly sleeps. I've been staring at her for the last few hours, pissed at myself.

I didn't know she was a virgin when I took her in the car. Had I known, I would have executed some sort of control.

And I'm still angry she didn't choose me quicker. Her father is the lowest of scum. The fact she's loyal to him irritates me. Maybe more than the fact he thinks he can buy her back and decided to run his mouth in a pub full of strangers.

It all infuriates me to a deeper degree. So now, I'm on a new mission. I'm going to make sure her da never comes near her again.

I'd love to kill him, but if I do, I risk Maeve finding out. I don't want that to come between us. As angry as I am at her, she's my wife, and eventually, she will choose me without hesitation. But until we get there, I have to play my cards right.

I text Brogan.

Me: I'm at the hotel. I need ya to get over here and stand outside the door until I'm back.

Brogan: Why? What's going on?

Me: None of your business. Get your ass over here, and don't knock on the door. Just text me when you're here so ya don't wake up my wife.

I glance at her again, studying her pouty lips. Yesterday was stressful for her, plus she drank too much. I didn't worry about it since it was our wedding day, but I'm sure she'll feel better if she sleeps it off. So I don't want Brogan knocking and waking her up.

I quietly go into the bathroom and take a shower. By the time I'm out, Brogan texts me.

Brogan: I'm outside the door.
