Page 59 of Illicit Monster

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I put on clothes, glance at Maeve one last time, and resist kissing her goodbye. I step outside the room and hand him a key, asserting, "This is for emergency use. Ya don't go in that room unless it's a true emergency. Understand?"

He gives me an expression as if I'm crazy. "Why would I go into the room?"

I threaten, "If anything happens to her, I'm blaming ya."

He scowls. "Like I would let anything happen to her."

"Good. She doesn't leave the room. Understand?"

He narrows his eyes. "She's sleeping and doesn't know you're leaving, does she?"

"No," I admit.

He groans.

"Ya got a problem doing your job?" I bark.

"Of course not. Relax."

"Good. Now, give me your keys."

"Why?" he questions.

"Just give me your keys," I order.

He begrudgingly reaches into his pocket and pulls them out. I snatch them from him. "Where are ya parked?"

"On the street, two blocks down to the right."

I leave and get on the elevator. I exit the hotel, glance down the street, and see Brogan's vehicle. I make my way toward it and get in. Then I drive over to the hotel where Malachy is staying.

I park down the street, enter his hotel, and Cathal rises from his seated position. He nods, asking, "Am I done with this job?"

"Aye." I take the key card out, slide it through the slot, and enter the room.

Malachy's snores fill the room. I put my hand on his neck and squeeze. His eyes fly open, and he chokes. I maintain my grip as long as possible without killing him, then force myself to release him.

When he catches his breath, he cries out, "Ya motherfucker!"

"Who's calling who a motherfucker?" I seethe.

He scowls at me.

"Get dressed. We're going for a ride."

"Where are we going?" he questions, fear filling his face.

"I'm taking ya far, far away from here."


"Because you're never going to talk to my wife again. Do ya understand me?"

"She's my daughter," he snarls.

"I don't care. And don't ya ever speak about buying her again, ya pathetic piece of shit."

He stays quiet, but the hatred never leaves his face.
