Page 63 of Illicit Monster

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She sighs. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere you're going to like."

Her expression softens, but only a little. "That doesn't tell me much."

I chuckle. "Get up, get dressed, and you'll find out."

She begrudgingly gets up. "Can I shower?"

"I have to shower too."

"You go first," she states.

"We can take one together." I wiggle my eyebrows at her, suddenly horny.

She crosses her arms. "No."

I smirk. "Suit yourself. Take a quick shower and put on a fresh set of clothes."

She peers at me closer. "Why are ya so happy all of a sudden?"

I don't answer her. I just repeat, "Go shower."

She hesitates but finally obeys. When she's dressed and ready, I lead her through the hotel.

"Are ya going to tell me where you're taking me?" she asks as we get into a car with one of my drivers.

"No. You'll find out soon enough."

She shakes her head, sighs, then stares out the window. Neither of us speak the rest of the ride until we pull into the private airport. She gapes at the jet. "Am I going in that plane?"


"I-I haven't flown before," she frets.

"You'll be fine. Plus, it's not commercial. If ya haven't flown, this is the best way to start," I tease.

She stares back at the jet and asks, "Are ya going to tell me where we're going now?"

I grin.

She slaps my bicep with the back of her hand. "Tell me!"

I chuckle again. "Okay, princess. I thought it was time I showed ya where I'm from."

She looks at me in confusion. "What exactly does that mean, Tynan?"

"It means we're going to America."



Traveling has always been a dream of mine. I've never even left Ireland. So I'm excited but also trying to contain it. Yet it's too hard.

Tynan teases, "I love it when you're beaming, sunshine."

"I'm not," I lie.
