Page 67 of Illicit Monster

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It can't be.

But it is.

Tynan pinches my arm.

"Ouch! What did ya do that for?"

He teases, "Ya look like ya needed to be pinched."

I tilt my head. "Very funny."

"I am a pretty funny guy. Ya should be grateful that your husband's so amusing."

"Oh, I am. I'm sooooo grateful." I smirk.

He smiles. "Did ya get a lot of sleep last night?"

I freeze.

"Well?" he asks, arching his eyebrows.

I confess, "No. I was up all night worrying about where ya were. It's really not nice for ya to leave and not tell me or even leave a note."

"I had business to take care of," he claims.

"Ya left a random guy outside the hotel room door who kept me prisoner there."

He groans. "Ya weren't a prisoner. And do ya really think I'd put a random guy in charge of your safety?"

"Ya didn't tell me what was going on."

"Ya were sleeping," he claims.

"So? Ya could have woken me up."

He shakes his head and then kisses my hand. "Ya needed your rest. It was a long day."

I stay quiet, thinking about how disastrously the wedding ended. Overall, it was more amazing than I ever could have dreamed, but the bad part clouded the good parts. And I'm having a hard time forgiving Da for what he did and said.

Tynan unbuckles our seat belts and rises. He holds his hand out. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" I question.

"I'm tired, and you're tired. There's a bedroom. Come on, let's go. We'll sleep through the flight."

"There's a bedroom on this plane?" I blurt out.

He chuckles again. "Aye, princess. There's a bedroom. Let's go sleep. Come on."

I don't argue, more out of curiosity. We go to the back of the plane and into a room. The only thing in it is a bed and a few cabinets.

He shuts the door and pulls the covers back. "Slide in."

I do as I'm told, and he slides next to me. He puts his arm around me and tugs me close to him. He kisses my head, ordering, "Go to sleep."

"Aren't we supposed to do something in here? Isn't there a mile-high club or something?" I blurt out, then realize what I just said. My face turns red.

He tilts my chin, asking, "Is that what ya want to do? Join the mile-high club?"
