Page 66 of Illicit Monster

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"How long is the flight?" I question.

Tynan answers, "A little over ten hours."

"Wow! That's a long time for the plane to be in the air, isn't it?" I ask, getting more nervous.

He chuckles. "Ya don't have to worry, sunshine. It'll be fine."

"Are ya sure?"

"Aye. Of course, I'm sure. People take this flight every day of the week."

I glance out the window again, trying to breathe through my panic.

He squeezes my hand again, asserting, "Everything will be fine. Stop worrying."

I nod and release a breath. "You're right."

He puts his hand to his ear. "Can ya say that louder?"

I nudge him in the rib cage.

He cries out, "Ouch."

I warn, "Don't get smart."

Chloe returns, declaring, "The pilot says we're ready to leave early. Do ya want me to take your drinks before takeoff?"

"Aye. That'd be good." Tynan hands her his cup, and I do the same. She takes them away.

The plane moves, speeding up, and then we're up in the air.

I mutter, "Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God."

Tynan laughs. "It's all good. Ya don't have to worry."

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God," I repeat, looking out the window as we lift higher. Then I exclaim, "We're in the air!"

He chuckles. "We are."

We stay silent for a few minutes as I stare out the window until we're above the clouds.

Amusement fills his face. He leans closer. "This is the first of many flights you'll be on."

"It is?" I question.

"Aye. Of course," he claims.

I stare at him.

His lips twitch. "This is your new life, Maeve."

My new life.

Is this really my life now?

I think about all the years of struggling and not having enough money to make ends meet, along with bailing Da out of all his messes.

Is this life of luxury and riches really mine now?
