Page 91 of Illicit Monster

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She insists, "I want to see the entire club."

"They don't do tours," I blurt out.

She laughs. "You're an O'Connor. A member who's grandfathered in. I believe ya can give me any tour ya want."

I debate for a moment. There are so many things I'd love to do with her in that club. But I've not even properly had sex with her. I took her virginity in a quickie, so I can't take her to the club.

She frowns. "So you're quitting, then?"

I don't answer.

"Okay. I didn't think my husband was a quitter, but I guess he does back down."

I insist, "I'm not a quitter," before I can think of the consequences.

Her lips curve. "Great. Then tell the driver we're going to the club."

I still don't move.

She reaches for my head and caresses the side of it. She heckles, "Do ya not understand truth or dare anymore?"

I just stare at her.

She adds, "This is how it works. I dare ya. And then ya have to do it. If ya don't, you're forfeiting."

"Ya don't know what you're asking for," I warn her.

She snaps, "I didn't tell ya that ya have permission to fuck other women while we're there."

"I didn't say I wanted to fuck other women, nor would I. We're married. Or did ya forget?"

She gives me another hot look. "Good to know we have that sorted. I guess neither of us has anything to worry about then, right?"

I try to come up with a reason not to take her, but I can't.

She angrily questions, "What's the reason ya don't want to take me there if it's not because ya want to fuck other women?"

"I told ya, I don't want to fuck other women."

"No? Then what is it, Tynan? Why won't ya take me there? Am I not good enough?" Hurt fills her expression.

"Of course you're good enough. You're better than any of those people in there," I state before I can think about it.

She swallows hard. "Then I dare ya to take me there. Either take me there, or ya quit. What's it going to be, babes?"

Every part of me screams not to take her. But once again, my pride won't let me quit. So I sit back in my seat and point at her. I order, "Close your legs and pull your dress down."

She complies.

The blood heats in my veins. I hit the button for the divider, ordering my driver, "Change of plans. Take us to the sex club."



"Wait! We have to go home first," I exclaim.

Tynan furrows his eyebrows. "Why?"
