Page 92 of Give Me the Bad Boy

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And God… Enzo’s expression was so terrifyingly calm. The only outward signs of his anger were the slight flex of a muscle under his jaw and the way his forearm tensed as he held up Stephan. And then Enzo slammed his fist into Stephan’s face so hard I swore I heard bone crunch under the assault.

I stood there, feeling shock on my face. The music still pumped through the club, others still dancing in my peripheral, unaware of what had just gone down. The others closer to us had moved back, making this loose circle, and as I stared at them, their eyes wide, their mouths parted, I wondered how afraid they were right now.

The men stared at Enzo with apprehension, taking more steps back. Some of the women held that same apprehension, yet others were clearly drawn to the danger Enzo presented.

Like me.

Oh God, I’m losing my mind.

I turned my focus back to Enzo, who still loomed over Stephan. Enzo’s hand still curled tightly into a fist… the fist that had slammed into the center of Stephan’s face. I would never forget the unmistakable sound of when those knuckles connected with Stephan’s nose, the crunch of bone echoing in my head.

Blood covered the lower half of Stephan’s face and was a grisly display across his white shirt. His nose was also at an odd angle, and a wave of nausea rose up in me.

I was frozen in place as Enzo leaned in close, Stephan trying to scramble back, but the blood that was splattered on the floor had his palms slipping on the ground, and he didn’t get far before Enzo’s face was inches from his.

I could see his lips moving as he kept his focus trained right on Stephan. The music was far too loud for me to hear what he said, but the pure terror that covered Stephan’s face had my heart skipping a beat. Enzo said something else, his expression hardening even more—if that were possible—and Stephan nodded slowly before moving an inch back. Enzo straightened, but Stephan still kept his horrified gaze latched on to him.

I could see commotion to my right and blinked to focus at my side, seeing two massive bouncers pushing their way through the crowd, their expressions set into grim visages of the violence they’d soon deliver.

But when they got to the opening where the three of us stood, as they looked at Stephan, who was still on the ground covered in blood, then glanced at Enzo, I watched as their hard stances vanished instantly. Their throats worked as they swallowed, then they glanced at each other.

I felt a presence beside me, tore my gaze from the bouncers, and saw Enzo standing there. I instantly calmed, and how insane was that after what had just happened? Before I knew what was going on, he had my hand and was leading me out of the club and into the night air, where I sucked in a massive lungful of fresh oxygen. His Mercedes was already waiting at the curb, the attendant having opened the passenger side door before scurrying off after a look at Enzo’s expression.

I looked down at his hand that was curled around mine, seeing blood smeared across his knuckles. I gasped, but it wasn’t from fear. God help me… it wasn’t from fear.

Enzo stopped right by the passenger side door. I looked at him at the same time he turned his attention to me, then as he lowered his gaze to where I'd been staring. He lifted his eyes back to my face and held my gaze for long seconds. There was no remorse, no shame… nothing on his face but cold, hard resolve.

It was an expression a man who’d seen plenty—done plenty—carried.

It was what a capo of the mafia carried comfortably.

I licked my lips, my entire body on fire. I was wet, my nipples ached, and I felt so much hot pressure between my thighs I had zero self-composure and control right now. All I felt was this wild, primal need… one only Enzo could satiate.

This man had brutally beaten another man who simply touched my hip, gotten too close to me. He’d broken his nose without a flicker of hesitation, simply because he saw me ashis. And when I heard the low, very animal-like sound leave Enzo, I knew what I wanted and wouldn’t feel guilty about asking for it.

“I want you, Enzo,” I whispered and felt my body flush fiercely with my arousal. My lips were parted, the delicate skin feeling swollen and sensitive. My entire body was so… eager for Enzo. “I need you now.” I wasn't about to try to rationalize why I said the words, why I pushed him, pushed this situation for more. All I knew was that I wanted Enzo with this raging need inside me.

He was dangerous, and I knew it was that part that called to me in the most primordial sense. And when his nostrils flared, his eyes flashing, I knew the animal he kept deep inside, the one that simmered at the edge, the one I’dfelt, was unleashed. I should have told him to take me home, should have given him a chaste—safe—kiss, but I didn't want that. He didn't want that. And I knew he’d give me what I desired.

I could see it in his eyes, in the way his upper body slightly leaned forward as if he were about to pounce.

Yeah, he wasn't going to take me home… and I anticipated all the dominance he’d no doubt give me in the bedroom.



When Bianca told me she wanted me, that she needed me now, the primal, animalistic part inside me had broken free, the tightly coiled control I had completely snapping.

I’d taken her hand, led her into my car, and driven right to my penthouse.

And that’s where we were now, Bianca standing just feet from me, the apartment cold and silent, yet my raging arousal and the heat pouring off me changed that pretty damn quickly.

She breathed hard and fast, the sound of her respirations turning me on even more. I took a step closer, and she moved one back. I let a grin spread across my lips as I slowly shook my head. “Oh no, Bianca.” I advanced on her like the predator I was. “You wanted this, and now you’re going to accept your decision.” Even in the darkened room, I watched the lust take hold of her even harder at my words.

I kept advancing on her until she had nowhere else to go, her back pressed to the wall, the small table beside her shaking slightly for how hard her back met the wall. I grinned like the wild animal I felt like right now. Big and wide… intimidating.

Her head cocked back so she could look into my face. She deserved slow and romantic, sweet touches and gentle coaxes.

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