Page 23 of The Nanny Proposal

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Brody’s hands moved up and down my back and into my hair. His legs wrapped around me to hold me close.

“Want to do that again. Soon,” he said in a lazy voice that indicated he was already close to sleep. He chuckled. “Soon.”

“Your wish is my command.” Every muscle in my body sang from exertion, and logically, I knew we wouldn’t be able to do anything like that again for hours at least, but he felt so good against me that my cock was already trying to rally.

I’d thought I had a pretty solid understanding of what married sex was supposed to be like. But it turned out, when you were having sex with the right person—the one you craved above all others—it wasn’t boring or mechanical in the slightest. In fact, it was magic.

I placed one more kiss on his lips before pulling away.

“Don’t go,” he said, eyes opening wide with worry like I was going to get up and leave forever.

“I won’t,” I promised. Just like before, I wasn’t sure exactly how long he was asking for… but I decided it didn’t matter. I would stay with Brody for as long as I possibly could. “I just want to start a shower for us. Then I’m going to change the sheets and put you back in this bed with me.” I brushed the damp hair from his forehead.

His worry changed to relief and then to a brilliant grin. “Because you want to take care of me tonight?”

“Because you’re my husband,” I said, tasting the strange words on my tongue. “Your place is here in our bed. If you want it to be.”

His smile was shy. “I definitely want it to be.”

I turned to head toward the bathroom just as he whispered the wordHusband.

I wondered if it tasted as sweet and precious on his lips as it had on mine.



Hot water streamed down my body, but all I could feel was the warm, firm press of Grant’s hand on my stomach and the solid length of his tall frame against my back.

I was naked in the shower, after the most incredible sexual experience of my entire life, with Dr. Brighton, my boss and crush…and husband.I’d be convinced it was a dream if not for the very solid platinum band on my finger… and the matching one on Grant’s.

He’d surprised me with matching rings the day after we’d learned everyone in the neighborhood had discovered our “secret” marriage. “Might as well go all in,” he’d joked as he’d slid the shiny metal onto my left hand. He’d looked nervous as he did it—like he expected that to be the final straw that made me say, “Heck no! This charade is over.” Little did he know, he was just handing me another brick that I was using to build a fairy-tale castle… even though I knew I wouldn’t be able to live in it for long.

Grant pressed a kiss to my temple. “You’re asleep on your feet. Long day.”

More like a long, incredible evening. But I wasn’t going to say that.

Instead, I murmured agreement, then asked, “Do you have to go to work tomorrow?” I hoped I didn’t sound as needy as I felt. All I wanted to do was spend a lazy Sunday at home with him and the girls, pretending we were one big happy family.

“Nah. A doctor at Mass General wanted to set up a video call for a consult, but I told them it would have to be Monday. I promised the girls I’d make a big breakfast and help Cleo bake the cookies for her Robotics Club meet-up tomorrow afternoon.” He sounded far prouder that his daughter had asked for his help than that a colleague at a hospital across the country wanted his advice, which squeezed my heart. Even a couple of years ago, he would have stuck to the thing he knew he was good at, which did not involve anything in the kitchen… or with his daughters. “What about you? Are you going to be able to join us, or do you have work to do?”

I had work—a ton of work, actually, between school assignments and the long process of getting my fledgling company up and running—but wild horses couldn’t keep me away from a perfect family day like he described. “Nah, I’m good. I can do my schoolwork after the girls are in bed tomorrow night.”

He frowned as he shut off the water and reached for a thick towel to dry me off with. “Didn’t you say you had a project to finish in Probability and Statistics?”

For some reason, hearing Grant refer to my very boring class made me hot for him again. He was so fuckingthoughtful. “Mmhm, but it’s fine. It’ll be quick since I already know what I want the project to be. Don’t worry about it.”

He finished rubbing me down with the towel and started on himself. “If you need quiet time tomorrow to work on it—”

“I don’t,” I said quickly. “I promise. Besides, I’ve been looking forward to seeing what Cleo’s idea of robot-shaped cookies is.”

He followed me into the bedroom and hooked a finger in the waistband of my pajama pants, which dangled from the bedside lamp, where one of us had thrown them. He held them out to me with a wry smile that made me blush, but when I tried to grab them, he used them to haul me against him. “As much as I wish I could hold you naked against me like this all night…”

“…we might have visitors,” I finished, my voice hoarse.

He grinned, and we shared a look of perfect understanding.

It was moments like this, where the connection between us was so clear and palpable, that it was hard to remind myself it wasn’t real. Now that we’d been together, now that I’d let him take control of my body and bring me indescribable pleasure, it was nearly impossible.
