Page 36 of Boys of Summer

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When I finally come down from the high of ecstasy, both of us are breathing hard and covered in sweat and my thighs are sticky with cum, both his and mine. Lifting me off of his lap, Luca takes his time to situate my dress, reverently placing the straps back in the proper place. I smile at the softness in his touch after the violent way he fucked me. Chills spread over my skin, but he just leans in and kisses them away.

I excuse myself to the restroom, peeing before cleaning myself up. I look into the mirror, staring at my mussed hair and flushed cheeks. I'm high on everything Luca, and when I head back into the studio, I find him lounging back on the couch with his shirt open, but his cock tucked back into his slacks. He looks like a fucking rockstar and all I want is round two, three, and four…


Ihaven’t been back to Landy’s all week. It’s harder than it should be to just pick up my feet, get in the car and drive there. I haven’t danced since the hospital, and I can feel the tightness in my muscles, screaming out for release.

A knock on my bedroom door pulls me out of my thoughts as I lay here staring at my ceiling fan while my left hand sifts through Cat’s thick, black fur. She lazes next to me, content with doing absolutely nothing.

Rolling my head to the side, I stare at the door as if concentration alone will make whoever’s there go away. But they don’t go away. The knob turns and the door opens, revealing a frowning Jax Pembroke on the other side. His long hair is tied back today, and he wears a gray t-shirt and a well-fitted pair of black joggers. Cat’s head pops up as he shuts my bedroom door and walks over to the bed. Despite the fact that his feet are bare, his steps are heavy and weighed down with apprehension.

“Tell me you’ve eaten today,” he says as he places a knee on the mattress and proceeds to climb up next to me. I scoot over slightly, making room for him to stretch out. Cat grunts, but rolls to the ground dramatically where she makes herself comfortable in a small patch of sunlight by the window.

Rolling my eyes, I look back towards my ceiling. “I do know how to feed myself.”

He snorts. “How about we go somewhere today? You need fresh air and sunshine while there’s still some left.”

Technically, he’s right. The weather is changing—slowly growing colder as the rains become more frequent. I should be outside surfing and enjoying the last remnants of the summer sun while I can. But still, the prospect seems bleak. Landy’s death has taken a toll on me and mostly, I just feel tired.

Jax lays on his side, head propped up on his hand. He reaches out and begins to draw lazy circles on my stomach with his pointer finger. My stomach clenches. “Don’t make me get Kennedy over here,” he warns with a visible shudder. I can’t help the small smile that stretches my lips. He barely knows my quirky friend, but I’ve told him enough about our antics that he understands.

“Your threats will get you nowhere,” I tease. “And besides, next week, I’ll have a full schedule anyway with rehearsals and wedding prep.” Now it’s my turn to shudder. “Mom’s already driving me nuts.”

I’m pretending like it’s a burden when in reality, I'm more than ready to celebrate something for once. I can’t wait to see my mom looking like an angel, walking down the aisle to the man she’s head over heels for.

He narrows his eyes, roving them over my face. “I hate seeing you like this. You haven’t left the house in days and Luca says he thinks can hear you crying all night still.”

Rearing back, I squint at him. “Lucasays? What, so you guys are buddies now or something?” I turn away from him and glare upward, all the while trying not to smirk because that’s exactly what I want to happen. “I don’t need you guys talking about me behind my back. I’ll be fine, but I need some time. Someone just died, Jax, maybe I’m the only one feeling it, but it's not a good feeling.”

His hand flattens on my stomach, drifting up and under my shirt. His palm is nice and warm on my skin. “I know, baby. I know it’s hard, but do you think this is what Landy would have wanted?’

I turn to glare at him. “Give me a break. Do you know how cliché you sound? Ofcourse,she’d want me to be sad! Hell, when I die, if you don’t cry for at least a month straight I’m coming back to haunt your ass.” I try to keep a straight face, but when his mouth twitches, I can’t help but laugh, too.

“You’re hopeless, you know that, right?” he sighs. “Besides, if you think you’re dying before me then you're wrong as hell.”

I grin. “Maybe we’ll die a fiery plane crash or something. It's bound to be poetic, right?”

Jax blinks at me. “You’re deranged.”

“True.” I nod.

“That’s why I love you,” he whispers and my breath catches.

“Because I'm deranged?”

Rolling his eyes, he shifts his body upward so that he can scoot me beneath him. “No, you idiot. I love you because you’re you.” He smiles softly, placing a small kiss on my lips while his facial hair scrapes my skin pleasantly. “I love you because you don’t give a shit, and because when you do give a shit, it’s about things that matter.” His kisses travel down my neck. “Landy was lucky to have known you for the short time she did, because I know you won’t let her memory fade. I love you because you’re talented, beautiful, hilarious, sweet, and yes, slightly deranged.”

He kisses me again, and I can feel tears stinging my eyes, but I blink them away because his warm mouth feels so fucking good. He’s completely covering me now, body flush with mine as his hands roam my skin. I’m dressed in nothing but an old oversized t-shirt and boyshorts, but his touch makes me feel sexy and small.

“I feel like you had alternate reasons for coming in here,” I whisper teasingly. His body shakes for a second and I know he’s laughing, but it doesn’t stop him from placing more kisses on my overheated skin.

“Possibly…” he mutters, mouth moving over me faster now. “I can’t stop thinking about all the years we’ve wasted...all the nights I held you in my arms and never tasted your soft skin.” Sucking in a breath, his lips find my nipple as he pushes my shirt above my breasts. He sucks it into his mouth, releasing it with a popping sound before moving onto the next. “I’m such a fucking idiot,” he mutters.

Having his mouth on me right now, I’m starting to feel like I was the idiot here. Had I known how incredible it would feel to be with him this way, I might have initiated something sooner. It takes no time at all before he’s reaching down, peeling my shorts off of my legs. His mouth returns to mine, but soon I feel his nimble fingers swiping over my center. I’m wet for him already, and ready for anything he has to offer me right now. His fingers spread me open and I let out a breathy whimper as he dips two of them into me, curling at his knuckle just right until I’m already seeing stars.

“Shit,” I breathe out raggedly, but he cuts me off with his lips. Tongue invading my mouth, his kiss is forceful, but not angry or violent. He’s eager and knows what he wants and so do I.

“I need you inside me,” I pull back and whisper over his lips. His darkening blue eyes meet mine and his pupils expand, nostrils flaring when he thrusts a hand through my long hair and pulls back slightly. I grin mischievously, lowering my gaze. “Fuck me, Jax, fuck me right now.”

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