Page 37 of Boys of Summer

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With one hard thrust, he sinks right into me. I hadn’t even realized he’d pulled down his joggers. I can’t think on it right now, though, because all I can process are the slaps of our skin as he fucks me into my bed. It’s not rushed like it was back at the dance studio that night. It’s not frantic, like the coming together of two souls who have been kept apart through their own stupidity after a lifetime of wanting. It’s softer, sincere and reverent, the way he makes love to me is like finally coming home after a lifetime of wandering blind.

His hips slow, rolling in small circles as my body comes up off the mattress to meet him thrust for thrust. We move in sync with one another, never losing our rhythm. My head falls to the pillow, eyes rolling back as pleasure flows through me. This is just what I needed. I needed Jax to make me forget for a while. Emotion swells in my chest making me ache, but not in a bad way. I ache with how much I care for him. I hurt with how much love I’ve kept pent up inside of me. Releasing it feels right.

After a few minutes, Jax’s thrusts start to stutter and become erratic. I can feel his cock swelling inside of me, hardening to the point of pain. His face is buried in my neck and my fingers are buried in his hair. Faster and faster he pounds into me until finally he stills, rolling his pelvis over my clit. We come together, cursing, panting, and trying to catch our breaths.

For a few long moments we just lay here, panting and sweating, not letting go of one another just yet. His head is resting on my chest as I drag my fingers through his long, dark hair. I hear a small sound from the floor and my eyes open wide. “Oh shit! I forgot about Cat!” Giggling, I push Jax off of me and he groans. “I’m sorry, baby girl,” I plead with my little Shiba. She glares at me from the floor. “Please forget everything you just witnessed.”

Jax huffs from under his arm which he has slung over his closed eyes. “She’s just jealous.”

Picking up a pillow, I slam it over his face and he catches it before pulling me down onto the bed with him. I'm laughing so hard it makes me have to pee. Eventually, he relents and lets me go. I tumble off of the bed trying to catch my breath, and that's when I see him.

River stands in the doorway with his grip on the handle as if he’d just been stopping by and we caught him off guard. The two of us blink at each other in dead silence as Jax drifts off to sleep. I don’t feel a single ounce of guilt to justify the look of betrayal in his eyes right now. This isn’t something I've been hiding from him. If anything, it’s his own fucking fault that he’s not in here with us.

River jolts like he’s just realized he’s still here before glaring at me, spinning on his heel, and slamming my door shut. I hear his footsteps all the way down the hall, and I stay there until I hear his car rev outside and speed away.


Pulling up in front of River’s house, I force myself to breathe in and out a few times before gathering the courage to go up and knock. He lives only about ten houses down, so, technically, I didn’t even need to drive, but in case I need a quick getaway, I’m not taking any chances.

He looked pissed. I feel like he had no right to look or feel betrayed, but for some reason my stomach twists. Whatever the facts are, I can't leave things like this between us.

I bite the bullet and knock on his door. My heart races and I feel my throat start to close. I hate that I get like this over any guy. I should be tougher than this, especially since I’ve known him practically my whole life. River shouldn’t make me feel like my body is turning inside out, but he does and so much more.

The door swings open, revealing a young girl with sandy hair and soft-green eyes. I’ve never met River’s family, but I know immediately that this is his sister Kala. She cocks her hip to the side. “Let me guess, you’re here to see the neanderthal,” she quips, causing my lips to tilt up.

“Yes?” I shrug.

She opens the door wide enough for me to slip though. “He’s in his room.”

I say thanks and make my way into the hallway she gestured to. His house isn’t all that different from Carson’s place, all beachy-type decorations and a laid-back atmosphere. I can hear music coming from the back of the house. My palms are sweating and my stride is unsure, but nothing stops me. He and I need to talk this out once and for all. This conversation needs to happen even if I’m the last person in the world he wants to see.

The music seeps through from beneath the closest door on my left, so naturally, I assume it’s River’s. Knocking gently, I practically hold my breath waiting for him to answer, but when his door swings open, my heart jumps to my throat, because it’s not River standing’s fucking Casey.

I want to throw up. Her smirk bores down on me like a ton of bricks and a gleam in her brown eyes tells me she’s loving this. I don’t know what’s happening here. He told me they were done—that he’d broken things off the day I moved back to town but clearly, that was a lie. My eyes trace over her, noting the fact that all she has on is a bathing suit top and a pair of board shorts.

“Cas, stop fucking answering my—” River’s gruff voice cuts off as he yanks the door open wider, switching his glare from Casey to me. His eyes widen in shock for a second as my presence registers. “What are you doing here?”

Staring at him, my eyes fight not to bounce between the two of them. My mind flickers through thousands of unwanted images of River touching her pale skin...kissing her smirking lips.

Yep, I’m gonna puke.

Shaking my head, I back up until my shoulder blades smack the wall behind me. “I, uh… I have no idea,” I whisper. River makes a move to step out of the room, but before he can, I take off down the hallway. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to come here. I’m torn between being embarrassed and being mad. I’m leaning more toward mad.

I slam out of his house with all the fires of hell on my heels, desperate to get out of here before the tears come. I can hear muttered curses behind me and I know that he’s following, but I’m faster. Sliding into my car, I start it up, but a hand smacks my driver's side window.

“Nora, stop!” he shouts, but I put the Jeep in gear, ignoring him with tears brimming. “Fuckin’ hell, stop!” he tries again.

The door is yanked open and I internally curse myself for not locking it, but River reaches in to try and snag my keys. I smack his hand away, not willing to let myself get stuck here. “Get out of my car!” I snap.

He sneers, but it lacks the venom I’d expected. “I’m not in your car, but you need to calm the fuck down and just talk to me. You’re not driving anywhere like this.”

I glare straight ahead. “I don’t think there’s anything left to talk about.”

“It’s not what it looks like—”

“Oh, spare me. It’s exactly what it looks like. First you bring her to my mom’s party, and now you have her in your bedroom? River, I may be stupidly in love with you, but it doesn’t make me an actual idiot.” I snap my mouth shut, and his eyes widen.

