Page 38 of Boys of Summer

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“Just forget it. Go back to your fucking girlfriend. I never should have come here. I should have known.”

I never should have said that. Idolove him. I’ll never stop loving him, but I shouldn’t have said that at all. It makes me vulnerable because I know it’s not returned—not anymore anyway.

It’s his turn to frown. “You’re one to talk. So, it's okay for you to sleep with someone else but for me, it’s not? Talk about a double standard.” He crosses his arms over his chest and widens his stance. My heart sinks. My mind runs wild with possibilities. Did he sleep with Casey? Is he going to again? I don’t think my heart, or my stomach, can handle that.

“You know it’s not the same thing.”

“Yeah? How so?” he snaps. Bracing his hands on the top of the door, I force myself not to watch as his biceps flex above me. His eyes are full of venom but I can’t help but feel like there’s something driving all of this. There’s something between us that literally just won’t let the fuck go.

“Because it's always been us!” I shout. River stares back at me, jaw clenched tight. “I told you from the beginning that I‘m in love with three men. It started with you and Luca, and somehow Jax wormed his way into my heart, too. You knew what this was before you ever made up your mind about us. How many chances have you had to walk away? You told me you were done with her and I even started to believe it, but I never fucking lied to you about anything. I’m such an idiot.”

His eyes narrow. “You say it’s always been us, but that didn’t look likeusto me. What it looked like wasyoufucking your best friend. What makes you think you can just have every guy you know? Is there any limit for you? Do I have to stand and watch as you add more and more men to your...your…harem?!” His chest is heaving while my stomach clenches with the need to expel its contents. River invades my space, bringing his face as close to mine as he can without touching me. I feel his breath on my skin as those dark-green eyes flit to my lips and back up to my eyes. “Why do you get to fuck multiple guys when I’d only get you?”

I blink at him, not really understanding what he just said to me. He’s said some hurtful things since I’ve been back, but that takes the cake. I don’t even respond like he probably hoped I would. I just wipe my face of all emotion, letting my eyes fall blank, turning my head to face front.

“What, nothing to say to that?” He scoffs, stepping back and giving me some much needed air. “Tell me, Nor—”

He never gets to finish that sentence because I slam my door shut and peel out of his driveway without looking back.


Ifucked up.

I fucked up so bad.

There’sno fixing what I’ve broken this time.

But watch me try…


There’s a strange car in the driveway when I get back to Carson’s house. It’s a black Impala that I don’t recognize. For some reason, my insides flutter. I wasn’t under the impression that we were having any guests over tonight.

Letting myself in, I catch Cat as she leaps into my arms. Her little, black tail wags and her sloppy tongue slobbers all over my cheek. Laughing through my lingering pain that I cried out in the car, I place a small kiss on her forehead before setting her down.

I hear voices coming from the kitchen, so I make my way over. The rest of the house is dark, but warm light glows in from the doorway. I don’t know why my body suddenly lights up with nerves. My stomach rolls and I almost convince myself to turn around and sneak into my bedroom.

“Nora, is that you?” calls my mom from the kitchen. “Come in here, sweetie!”

Shoulders stiff, I walk faster, rounding the corner and pulling up short at the sight of mom, Carson, and Luca sitting around the dining room table with some man that I don’t recognize. His hair is gray and he wears a pair of tortoise-shell readers. He’s dressed sharply in a suit and jacket and has his briefcase perched on the top of the table. My eyes immediately zero in on that case.

“Mr. Chandler, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Nora.” Mom stands up, taking me by the shoulder and squeezing gently. “Nora, this is Davin Chandler, Landy’s attorney.”

I eye him suspiciously. “What does he want with me?”

Mom frowns. “Don’t be rude, Nora. He has a few things to go over with you is all. Take a seat, hun.” She pulls out a chair that happens to be right next to the strange lawyer man.

My eyes seek out Luca from across the table. He’s already watching me and just smiles gently and reassuringly. Whatever this is, he clearly already knows and if he doesn’t look too worried, then maybe whatever this is isn't so bad after all. Still, my stomach cramps.

I drag my eyes over to Mr. Chandler. Raising an eyebrow, I wait for him to speak first. He clears his throat. “Right, well…” He coughs nervously. “First of all, just let me say how sorry I am for your loss, Nora. I hear you and Ms. Landy had grown close over the last few months. I was incredibly sad to hear of her passing. She was a wonderful lady and such an asset to this fine town.” His speech feels rehearsed, but I listen patiently. Since I say nothing, he takes that as his cue to keep going. Mom shoots me a glare to which I just shrug, but I catch Luca’s lips twitching up at the edges in amusement.

“I’ll just come right out with it,” Lawyer man says with more confidence. “As you may know, Landy had no family to speak of. The only child of two estranged parents who were also only children. She never had any kids and never married.” My chest squeezes with sadness. Her life sounds so bleak when you put things like that on paper. “Landy handed in her final will and testament to my office a week before her passing,” he says bluntly and my heart sinks. She must have known the end was coming. “I’m here today to let you know that she’s left her worldly possessions to you, Nora Blair. This includes liquid funds as well as one vehicle, a storage unit, and the deed to Landy’s Dance Studio.”


My heart is thumping too hard to be healthy. For a moment, I feel like I’m floating. I can’t have heard him right. There’s just no way. I barely knew Landy in the grand scheme of things. There’s no way she would make the decision to leave it all to some stupid girl with relationship problems—who snots all over her dancefloor and cries over boys. It makes no sense.

“Honey, did you hear him?” Mom asks as I stare vacantly.

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