Page 18 of Caged Fae

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I kept my gaze on the other predator in the room, his burning eyes sinking into the very core of me. He smiled, and once again, it was all sharp teeth. Dropping my hair, he made a sudden movement with his hand that was too fast for me to see. I flinched but couldn’t move quickly enough.

Something rough was suddenly around my neck, squeezing too tightly. My hands flew to my throat, pulling on the strange object, but it wouldn’t budge.

Haelo backed away, his eyes brimming with vicious excitement. Dangling between us was a thin, violet-colored vine writhing as if it had a mind of its own, only I could clearly tell that he was controlling it. The vine was wrapped around my throat and wouldn't let go, causing me to cough and sputter as I fought against it.

I wasn’t getting enough air and fell to my knees. Cadoc was laughing, and all I wanted to do was scream. Looking back up at Haelo, I watched as he sliced through the air with his hand, severing the vine near my shoulder. The end of it wrapped around my throat in a blink, fusing with the rest of it. A bright white light flared from the vine, flashing briefly before settling into a dull glow that felt warm around my neck.

I tried to burn through the vine, hoping that the glowing brand on my palm would be hot enough to penetrate it, but to no avail. Whatever magic controlled the brand was the same that held the vine in place.

Both faerie princes watched me struggle on my knees until the fight gradually left my body and my shoulders slumped. It took all of my energy just to suck in one small breath at a time, but even that wasn’t enough, and my vision began to darken.

Then Haelo made another gesture, and suddenly, the vine loosened. It didn’t fall off, but it stopped shrinking around my throat enough for me to heave in deep lungfuls of precious air. I fell forward with my palms against the floor, trying not to vomit.

I was collared like a dog. A collar of impenetrable vines that only Haelo could control. He could squeeze the life out of me with a single thought, and there was nothing I could do to escape it.

Something burned along my skin as I felt cold air brush my back and shoulders. I heard the tearing of fabric and yelped as I realized what was happening. Looking behind me, Cadoc stood there, brandishing one of those curved blades of his, and around his feet were shreds of my clothing. My bare back was exposed to him, and it took only one more slice for the rest of it to fall away, too, leaving me naked.

Sitting up on my knees, I quickly covered my breasts with my hands, but there was nothing I could do about the rest of me. Cadoc used his shadowy rope-like power to snatch the fabric away and fling it to the other side of the room where I couldn't scramble to cover myself with it.

Haelo crouched down to my level and, using a clawed finger to lift my chin, forced me to stare into his eyes, clearly enjoying the angry tears streaming from mine. “Don’t cry. It only shows us how weak you really are. Being raised in the mortal world made you too soft to survive Faerie.” He pulled my face toward his and proceeded to run his tongue along my cheek, licking up the tears. I sucked in a sharp breath, my entire body flushing and aching with rage and embarrassment. I tried to pull away, but his grip turned into a vise on my chin, keeping me in place.

He hummed in pleasure at the taste of my tears, and then slowly, ever so slowly, he ran his soft lips along my cheek, hovering closer to the edge of my mouth as I kept as still as I possibly could. His mouth brushed mine fully, but I held my lips firmly shut, refusing to let him in, even as he ran the tip of his tongue along the seam of them.

“Oh, pet, pet, pet,” he crooned, clicking his tongue as he pulled back to look into my eyes. “I’m going to enjoy your servitude immensely. That is…if I decide to keep you. A halfling as beautiful as you would fetch a generous offer, one that would be foolish of me to turn down. What do you think, brothers?”

I looked up in surprise, spotting Riven standing beside Haelo, silent as a snake.

Cadoc tilted his head, studying me with those black eyes. “Seems like more trouble than she’s worth.”

Haelo chuckled, and Riven simply shrugged, as if he’d rather be anywhere else in the world than this room. That made two of us. “We could have some fun with her first,” he suggested casually, as if inspecting a horse or a brand new weapon. “There’s a month before the Sluagh arrives for the bidding. We might as well make sure she’s up to the challenge.”

Fear licked down my spine. Surely, he didn’t just insinuate that they were hosting theSluaghin a week’s time.

The Sluagh…a thing of nightmares and folktales. Dark creatures who captured the soul of faeries and escorted them into death and made The Wild Hunt look like fledgelings. I thought they were only a myth but…

“That’s right, little halfling,” Haelo said, probably noting the way my face had drained of color, and the barely there trembling of my hands as I fisted them. “They’re coming, and they’re going to be hungry. For flesh, for blood or for something more…well, just,more.” His white eyes seemed to flare brighter at the insinuation.

I was lifted from my knees by strong, rough hands clasping my upper arms. Icy breath hit the shell of my ear as Riven whispered to me with both Haelo and Cadoc eagerly watching. “Our hunts are so tedious. Our days and nights are long, bloody fucking affairs. So, you’re going to serve us, whether it be on your hands and knees or on your back. You’re going to do whatever it is we ask of you, and if you fail to abide by the rules, I’m afraid you won’t enjoy the consequences of that unfortunate choice. If you’re lucky, you might make something of yourself here. Concubines are rewarded when they choose to surrender.”


The concubine attempted to close her lips around the base of my cock. She swallowed past a gag, straining the muscles in her throat. I nearly laughed. These human women struggled with creatures like me. When we fucked, they screamed like banshees, and when it was over they walked strangely for days.

I thrust my hips toward her face as she bent over my lap. My hand was fisted in her ruddy, brown hair, claws scraping her scalp until she moaned. Erix snapped his fingers in the air across from me and another human scurried over, taking his drink order immediately with a bow before fetching it.

The human’s teeth scraped the underside of my shaft and I grunted, my heavy balls tightening for the first time since she began sucking.

Erix shook his head at me, taking the horn of ale from the servant who’d just returned. He tossed the drink back in one gulp before settling back in his chair. He didn’t order a concubine this evening, which didn't surprise me. It was the best way to unwind after a successful hunt. And what a hunt it was. A princess no less.

The human peered up at me with big, blue eyes, fluttering her lashes. I just grunted again, shoving her further down, urging her to suck faster, or harder, or fuck…something. It was getting harder to slake my cravings these days. The human sped up her ministrations, trying her best to please me.

None of the concubines were forced into sexual servitude. They all had a choice. Some chose a life of scullery work, others housekeeping or footman duties, but the beautiful ones usually chose to serve in other ways. Concubines were paid handsomely for their services and lived a life of relative luxury—a life humans could only dream of back in their world. Halflings usually chose the same, using their otherworldly beauty to their advantage.

A satisfied groan interrupted my barely felt pleasure, and I cut my eyes at Roth who sat several feet away. The firelight illuminated the red hair of the man he was currently fucking, bouncing him in his lap and stretching his ass so wide I knew he’d be gaping for weeks. The fiery hair had my mind briefly flickering back to the bounty that Riven, Erix, and I had hunted—the pretty, halfling princess with wild, copper curls and defiance in her eyes.

I shook the thought of her from my head as the human man panted in Roth’s lap. Roth was like me—a shifter, exiled when we were young for a rebellion we took no part in. We’d grown up in the same clan and I’d always respected the hell out of him, but hearing his moaning and groaning had my cock softening. The concubine gripped Roth’s horns as he rode him faster, as if the act of even touching a drach’s horns wasn’t a death sentence. But Roth just fucked him harder.

I pulled the concubine’s head off my shaft, drool dripping from the edges of her swollen lips. She backed off with a pout, upset that for the second night in a row, she’d been unable to make me come. She stroked my thigh, running her fingers seductively over the leather of my pants as I tucked myself back into place. I shook her off. I wasn’t feeling up to it tonight, and it had me grinding my teeth. Fucking was my favorite pasttime.
