Page 25 of Caged Fae

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His breath hissed between his teeth as my tongue slid along the underside of his cock head. He was so large that my hand could barely wrap around him. I caressed him slowly, running my tongue down the length of his shaft, tracing the pulsing veins carefully.

His head was dropping back in bliss when I paused and rose to my feet. “I forgot to mention a small stipulation of mine.” My insides were buzzing like flies, anticipating the smoke ropes around me tightening painfully. But they didn’t. Every male in the room went incredibly still. As still as statues. Haelo stared at me, waiting for me to elaborate. With my chin held high, I slowly dropped the strap of my dress lower, and then the other, until my breasts were bared to the faerie prince. Like any male, his eyes dipped. My lips stretched into a serene smile. “You say you don’t force your concubines to fuck you, right?”

His face instantly hardened, and I felt Cadoc stiffen behind me. I didn’t dare look at Riven or Erix, but I knew they were hanging on every single word. Haelo’s jaw flexed as he gritted out, “There’s scarcely anything that separates a faerie from a monster, but rape is one of them.” His answer didn’t surprise me, but the ferocity in which he responded, did. He stepped closer to me. “Taking a concubine against their will is an act of weakness and shame. Any faerie who rapes will be executed publicly.”

I blinked at the conviction in his voice, and a small bit of fear lingering inside of me started to shrink back. I knew they could still hurt me, or sell me, or force me to degrade myself however they wanted, but I no longer feared that I would be violated. I believed him.

“In that case, I’ll give you my stipulation,” I said without missing a beat. He raised a brow, and I heard a huff from behind us, and I was pretty sure it was Erix. I kept my eyes on Haelo, taking his silence as my cue to continue. This time, I closed the distance between us myself. “I’ll agree to be your concubine. I’ll fall to my knees and worship your cocks if that’s what you ask. I’ll let you fuck me the way faerie males like to fuck.” My heart flipped as I said it. As I pictured the things they could do to my body. “But only if it’s me, and me alone.”

The room plunged into deafening silence. I held my ground, refusing to drop my eyes, even as I heard and felt Erix and Riven approaching from the other side of the steaming pool. Cadoc’s smoke rope tightened slightly, but it didn’t hurt. The smoke slid against my abdomen smoothly, and for once I didn’t flinch at the touch.

“Are you attempting to bargain for a second time, pet?” Erix asked, speaking up for the first time since entering the room. I peered over at him where he stood to the right of Haelo, still holding that glass of half-finished wine. His lips were stained red, and his blue eyes glowed in the darkness of the room.

Riven clicked his tongue, shaking his head. “My, my, we do have a brave one on our hands. I don’t know whether to pity you or respect you.”

I focused on Haelo again, raising a brow. “I’m royalty. Even if you mock my title, I won’t be treated like some whore. If you want me to be your concubine, and to serve you without a fight, then there will be no one else. Just me. If you can’t agree to this, then send me to the kitchens and I’ll learn how to happily scrub floors.”

Another beat of silence passed as the males glanced around at each other, seemingly having a conversation in their minds. Either they could actually speak to each other mind to mind, or they had just been a unit for so long that communicating was as easy as breathing. I waited, knowing that I was taking a risk. Asking these ancient fae males to take only me to bed was like asking a beggar not to steal.

I dragged my fingers casually down the space between my bare breasts, Haelo and Erix’s eyes following the movement. My hand continued down my body, dipping beneath the fabric of my lilac dress, pushing it down just enough that the curve of my waist peeked out.

Haelo smirked, as if he knew exactly what I was doing. He placed his palm on my hip again, his fingers tightening, warm through the fabric. Cadoc took a step closer as well, the hard, naked planes of his body pressing up against me, wetting my skin with cooling water.

“I have no issues with your stipulations, Kyre, and neither do they.” He nodded to the others, who were closing in around me slowly. I blinked at his use of my name, something warm blooming and unfurling in my belly at the sound of it in his lilting accent. “I only hope you know exactly what you’re agreeing to.”


Icould have ended her life where she stood for being so insolent. She was a servant, a prisoner, and eventually, a concubine. The Wild Hunt owned Kyre in every way, and that meant she had no room for any more bargains. With nothing to her name except for the name, she had nothing I wanted.

Well, that was a lie, I supposed. There was something I craved from this halfling, and the more I craved it the more frustrated I became with myself. It was because I wanted to fuck her, and own her, and keep her, that I allowed her to continue antagonizing me. She intrigued me, and in the last few centuries, pretty things rarely held my attention for very long.

I fucked concubines for the release they gave me after a long hunt, but it never meant anything beyond a fuck. I had no mate, no wife, and all of my former lovers were either dead or had moved on after my exile so many centuries ago.

I stared down at the copper-haired beauty with fire in her eyes and coursing through her veins, imagining all the ways I could take her if I only agreed to her terms. It wouldn’t be an issue for me to bed only her. In fact, it might even take the stress of hunting down a fresh concubine off of my shoulders.

Riven and Cadoc, however, were a different story. Riven, ever the silent and calculating hunter, took a new concubine every night, and never the same one twice. He bedded pixies, nymphs, and even a drach female once, which got him into a mess with Vazden.

Speaking of Vazden, I reached out through the mental bond the five of us shared, searching for our fifth. As the princes of the wild hunt, we were more powerful when we were together. Riven and Erix kept us all mind linked using the power in their mage blood. The skill was invaluable on the battlefield, and made the five of us nearly unstoppable in a hunt. Until Kyre. The slippery, halfling princess who managed to evade even Vazden.

I found the drach’s mind easily. I could smell the night air and feel the wind beneath phantom wings as if I were right beside him. He was out on another of his night flights through the lower valley, so I wouldn’t bother him. But I sent a thought down the connection, an image, actually. It might have made me a bastard, but I decided he should see for himself the glorious creature who stood before me, her lush breasts bared in the flickering candle light, her auburn eyes glowing like burning hot embers.

He pushed me out of his head with a growl echoing in mine, and it was an effort not to laugh. Erix covered his mouth with his hand casually, wiping away the amused smirk. They’d all witnessed what I’d done, and would have done the same had they been the ones to reach out. It was no secret that our drach friend was having a particularly difficult time reaching completion as of late, and Cadoc, especially, refused to let him rest.

The halfling didn’t even realize we’d been holding an entire conversation without her knowing. In fact, it all happened in less time than it took for her full breasts to heave in two deep breaths. My cock was still hard, still wet from her tongue as it had traced it from base to tip. I wanted to grab her by her copper mane and fuck her pretty lips until she gagged around my cock.

My mind was made up in an instant. Riven gave in as I sent him the mental image of himself fucking the halfling over the desk in his private office. I made sure to include some rope, a blindfold, and shackles as well, just to entice him over the edge. He shot me a glare, but agreed with the curt nod of his head.

Erix and Cadoc agreed, too. Not that Erix would attempt to bed her himself. He was a mystery even to me. Secretive and private. But I trusted him with my life, and so I would trust him with this bargain.

“I accept the terms of your bargain,” I said gladly. Reaching out, I curled my fingers around the back of her neck, sinking them into her thick hair and holding her in place as I brought my lips close to hers. “We’ll seal it with a kiss.” My words echoed that of the first day we met, and I could see the memory in her eyes.

Without giving her warning, I pressed my lips to hers. To my shock, she melted against me, her lush curves pressing up against my naked body. Her dress hung off of her curvy hips now, leaving her upper half utterly exposed. My tongue dipped between her soft lips, tasting her and finding her sweet as honey. Unable to help myself, I groaned as her palm snaked between us and found my cock.

She broke our kiss breathlessly, her eyes glassy with lust as she pulled back, still stroking me gently. Cadoc’s black eyes were watching the side of her head, as if he was memorizing every strand of her fiery hair. My brother pushed her curls off of her shoulder, exposing her neck to him.

Kyre had no idea how much danger she was presently in. Cadoc was a predator to his core. My brother, yes, but where my mother was a nymph, his was something much darker. Our father had many lovers, but Cadoc was the product of a monstrous union. He was darkness personified in every way, and he could have Kyre dead at his feet with the twitch of his finger.

“You left me wanting, Kyre,” I said, running my knuckle along the curve of her breast. My cock strained, pulsing with the need to plunge inside her warm cunt. But I was patient. So very patient.
