Page 26 of Caged Fae

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Understanding my meaning, her eyes seemed to flare brighter as her lip curled upwards. She lowered to her knees, Cadoc’s hand on her shoulder guiding her down. His smoke still coiled around her torso, but this time, it was more of a caress. She peered up at me as she took my cock in her warm hand, squeezing slightly, enough to have me hissing through my teeth at the pleasure that rolled down my spine.

I thrust my hips forward slightly, needing to feel the friction. It wasn’t often I allowed a concubine to pleasure me with her mouth. I didn’t kiss them either, nor did any of my brothers. Concubines were tools for pleasure and nothing more. They would never be lovers and never be friends. But Kyre’s mouth was nothing short of bliss as she closed her lips around the head of my cock.

My head fell back, my eyes closing as she began to suck me, her hot tongue sliding against the underside of my shaft, swirling around the swollen head. I groaned as she swallowed around my length, opening my eyes so that I could see her better. Cadoc watched every move she made, his own cock hard enough to wield as a weapon, and yet not doing anything to relieve himself. Riven and Erix watched with rapt fixation, and the thoughts flooding their minds were nothing short of wicked. But they held themselves back, because this moment was a turning point with our princess.

Her nipples were hardened points, and her skin was beautifully flushed. All signs that she was experiencing nearly as much pleasure as I was. She moaned around my cock, sending vibrations through me that had my knees wanting to buckle. I sunk my fingers in her thick, soft hair, coiling into her copper curls as I guided her head the way I needed her to move. My hips were moving faster now as my balls tightened with pleasure. I could feel the familiar tingle in the base of my spine, and the twitching of my muscles.

She gagged as I fucked her mouth, gritting my teeth against the urge to moan her name. But I wouldn’t give her that satisfaction just yet. Soon, I would worship her body like a goddess of old. But right now, she was mine, She was my concubine, my servant, my everything I needed her to be. She needed to know that this bargain was sealed, and that there was no going back on her word. There would be no more running, no more games.

Through the mental bond, I could feel Vazden watching. I could feel his rapt interest as clearly as if it were my own. Soon my brothers would feel the warmth of her wet cunt, and it would connect us to one another in a way we’d never known before. Our princess, our halfling pet.

With a primal growl, I spilled myself down her throat. Ecstasy rolled through me like a swift wind, my thighs shaking with the force of it and my claws tightening in her thick hair until I knew it had to be hurting her. But she didn’t pull away like I thought she would. She didn’t shy away from my pulsing cock as I emptied everything I had down her slender throat. She swallowed around me, her amber eyes so bright that they glowed like the setting sun, staring up at me in satisfaction that she could bring me to completion.

When I was spent, I eased out of her mouth, her tongue dragging along my length, drops of my seed spilling down the corners of her mouth, making me instantly hard again. I could very well take her hard and fast against the wall of this room, or perhaps bent over the chaise. It took every effort inside me not to act on my desire. Instead, I watched in satisfaction as she remained on her knees staring up at me, sensually licking her lips as if I’d bestowed her with some kind of gift.

Maybe I had. Maybe, just maybe, our little halfling concubine was the one holding the reins now. Maybe I would have to keep a more watchful eye on the fiery-eyed princess. Maybe I would enjoy every second of that task.


Igestured for Zephyr to lead the way through the darkness as we stepped over the border into the Dread Marsh. That wasn’t its real name, only a nickname given by those who weren’t welcome in its murky depths. In reality, the marsh had no formal name, but I could see how it came by it.

We’d stayed on the ground for most of our hurried escape out of the Acadian Empire, even though Zephyr had growled about it the whole time. We couldn’t afford to be spotted flying, at least not until we were farther into Faerie.

Faerie… I couldn’t believe I was actually here after spending my whole life with the humans, trapped in those dirty slums. Leaving Karn with nothing but the clothes on my back got harder by the day as my clothing grew cold, wet, torn, and dirty. Stopping to take care of basic necessities was out of the question during daylight, so we hid in caves or rocky outcroppings when we could, saving our travel for the night.

Drystan was unsteady on his feet, but Dane held him up as well as he could manage with his own waning strength. Both of them had insisted on coming with me. I hadn’t counted on a slowly-recovering king and my…sometimes lover slowing me down. But Dane had secreted Drystan out of the castle before Queen Reena could surround his room with her guards, making sure Karn never knew that their king was awake. He made it out with the help of Zephyr.

I had to reach Kyre, there was no other choice. My chest ached at the memory of watching my little shop burn to ashes from the window of a tiny inn I’d hid in the night I left Kyre to fend for herself with the faeries. The queen had ordered the guard to follow me, and when they couldn’t catch me, they decided to make sure I had nothing to go back to.

When this journey inevitably came to an end, I knew I would feel the loss of it even more vividly, more starkly. My home that I worked so hard to build for myself was gone. Nothing but ash in the wind. I tried not to let my mind dwell on it for too long.

We sloshed through thick mud that reached our bellies and attempted to ignore the stinging in our toes caused by the near frozen water settled at the bottom of the marsh, seeping through my boots and Zephyr’s fur. I yelped as something soft and quick moved against my leg, and I cursed myself for thinking this was the best way into Faerie.

We might have been better off doing what Kyre did and summoning a faerie to open the veil elsewhere, but there was just too much risk involved. Even Kyre ran into trouble and accidentally summoned The Wild Hunt.

Instead, we’d made it almost as far as the sea, turning toward the border of the veil once we reached the marshes. Humans wouldn't come here, I knew that for a fact. Even if the queen had sent scouts to find us in the woods, they would stop long before they reached the land that was said to be inhabited by monsters, spirits, and faeries.

I sidestepped the little creatures that circled my feet while Zephyr swiped at the murky water, pulling up clumps of mud and twigs. Grendels were just as nasty as I thought they would be. The rabbit-sized creatures were horrific to look at, like walking, gurgling bundles of marsh muck that could run, swim, crawl, and grab for your feet as you traversed the marsh. They were less a creature and more of an object. Grendels weren't even technically alive, but rather tiny golems created by dark magic in order to trick outsiders into fleeing.

My blood iced over at the realization. If there were grendels nearby, someone had to have sent them after us. Someone was aware of our presence in the marsh, and that meant we were in more danger than we could imagine.

“Keep your eyes sharp,” I whispered to my two companions. Dane cut his eyes to mine, wide with worry. “Ignore the grendels, they’re relatively harmless. It’s their masters you have to worry about.”

“Masters?” Dane asked, reaching for his sword while he assisted Drystan with his other arm. “Are they fae or something else..?”

Drystan stiffened, his eyes flitting from shadow to shadow as he righted himself, trying to use what fading strength he had to stay vigilant. “The faeries use them as spies to ward off trespassers. My father told me about the Dread Marsh when I was a boy. He said these waters were haunted.”

Dane paled, but fisted the hilt of his weapon. He might not have been the bravest man I’d ever found myself infatuated with, but he was here with me right now when he could have stayed behind where it was safe. A piece of my heart melted at that, knowing that despite the fact that his kind feared mine, he really did care for me.

I had yet to see a single sign of the fae save for primal creatures that were more like animals and had no means of communicating to anyone but Zephyr. The Sidhe faeries either didn’t come out this close to the veil, or were watching us and we just didn’t know it. Once we were out of the woods and far enough away from the veil, we could take to the skies to find out bearings.

Zephyr began to growl. We all paused, each of us turning our backs inwards, creating a triangle to cover every weak point. I was armed with a hunting knife and nothing else, but I could fight for my life if I had to.

Something was coming… The murky water rippled and the ground shook with the weight of something heavy coming our way.

“They know we’re here,” I whispered to Zephyr. His ears twitched and his muscles coiled as I placed a hand on his mane. “Be ready to grab Drystan and get him out of here if things go wrong. He is your priority, do you understand?” He grumbled, clearly not liking this plan, but I wouldn’t budge. Kyre would never forgive me if I let something happen to her brother. “Don't attack first. Maybe we can plead for passage and avoid a slaughter…"

Zephyr glanced at me, his dark eyes looking for all the world like they were rolling at my unfounded hope. He didn't believe me anymore than I did. In the distance, lumpy heads poked out from the surface of the marsh, revealing long, dark hair that hung in ropes and skin the color of dried moss. My mouth dried up and my heart shot to my throat. Every inch of my body felt paralyzed with fear as I realized who we’d stumbled upon.

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