Page 37 of Caged Fae

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We were moving before I realized it, his wings expanding on either side of me. In seconds, the world dropped out from beneath us, my hair whipping back out of my braid as we plummeted, dropping through the icy air like rain and sleet, the ground approaching fast. Then his wings caught the wind, pulling us back up. After arcing high in the sky, his wings shifted, bringing us to a steady glide. After a moment, I relaxed my grip on his scales and just let myself enjoy the ride.

The land whipped by as we traveled over the valley. In the night, creatures of the Void Wood ran wild and free. Down below us, a pack of lycinians sprinted in a tight, practiced formation. They were hunting. The wolf-like faeries glowed silver as their fur caught the moonlight, causing them to blend in with the undulating fog that rolled over the grasslands. Their ominous howls filled the night. Whatever they were hunting didn’t stand a chance.

As we circled the valley, I looked out over the canopy of trees, trying to pinpoint where we were, but from above, it all looked remarkably the same. The trees swayed in the wind, but there were some that appeared to move a little more deliberately. My mind flashed back to my first day here, when I’d felt the bark move under my palm. They were alive in a way other forests weren’t, and I could see it now.

The sound of smaller wings fluttered somewhere in the distance. I flitted my eyes from side to side and craned my neck to see what had decided to join us in the sky. Vazden didn’t seem to be on alert, so I took that as a sign that whatever it was, it didn’t mean any harm. More wing flaps joined the cacophony of noise. I gasped as several dark shapes gathered around us, their eyes locked onto Vazden as they swooped in and out of formation.

They were wraiths. A smaller version of Vazden’s dragon form, and there were at least five or six of them. The one at eye level with me was a deep jeweled-blue color, with thick, white horns protruding from its head. Unlike drachs, wraiths didn’t have a human form and were usually used in times of war or for sport.

The wraith was joined by several others, two of them a deep, moss-green and the other, the color of aged bone with onyx horns. They ducked and swooped around one another in the air as they played. Vazden humored them, dipping low and then shooting back up into the sky before veering off left and right at random.

I laughed, even as I hung on for dear life, wondering if this was the sort of thing Vazden enjoyed doing when no one was around. The thought made me smile, imagining the fearsome, ancient drach warrior frolicking in the sky with wraiths. It definitely brightened my night.

We flew for hours, letting the wind guide us where it wanted us to go. My soul felt freer than it had in a long time, being this close to the stars. I squinted out into the distance, wondering if Neera and Zephyr were somewhere out there, safe and unharmed. I thought of Drystan as I stared up at the moon overhead, hoping that maybe he was staring at it, too.

After a while, Vazden began to circle back around to the valley, heading back to the cliffside we’d taken off from. Exhaustion loomed, and I knew at any moment, I was going to collapse, hopefully into a dreamless sleep for once.

We landed heavily, kicking up a cloud of dust, Vazden lowering his neck and shoulders so that I could slide off his back easily. My legs wobbled as I tried to catch my balance. My back throbbed with the effort it took not to fall, but I managed it. After a swift crack of bone and the flutter of magic, Vazden was once again in human form, somehow clad again in that same scaled armor and a pair of black-leather pants.

“That was amazing,” I panted out, trying to catch my breath as a fresh wave of icy wind swept over us. Vazden stepped closer, placing his hands on my upper arms, gently rubbing them for warmth. Heat fluttered in my belly at his touch.

“I’ve never had a rider before,” he said, looking down at me in a way that had my heart picking up speed. “I have to say it was an…unusual experience.” He laughed deeply, the sound rumbling off of the trees. “I liked the feel of your hands on my scales, and your thighs gripping me tight.”

My throat dried up as he pulled on my upper arms, bringing me closer to his warmth. Being near Vazden was like taking a breath of fresh air after weeks of suffocating. Flying through the air had been more freeing than I ever thought I’d feel again.

Vazden moved closer, his massive fingers wrapping around my upper arms, keeping me steady on my feet as the wind whipped by us. His yellow eyes dipped to my lips, causing my heart to riot in my chest. I knew he wanted to kiss me. I could feel it in the way he touched me so softly. I realized I wanted him to kiss me, too. I wanted to feel his hardness all over me, to stroke my fingers across his wings and to know what it felt like to hold onto his horns while he…

His lips touched mine before I could think about it too hard or talk myself out of taking what I craved for once. I was allowed to be selfish sometimes, wasn’t I? I rose up on my toes, trying to reach him better. He groaned into my mouth, a shudder working its way through him as he gripped me tight. I could feel the prick of his claws digging into me, but I didn’t care. I just needed more.

My lips parted, allowing his tongue to slip between them, tangling with mine. My body was pressed against his, and I felt every single ridge of him, as hard as stone and as smooth as silk. My hands drifted up his torso, feeling along the dips and curves of his scaled armor, knowing that underneath was one of the most powerful males to ever walk this realm. I realized quickly that his armor appeared to be made out of the same scales he donned in his dragon form.

His hips thrust forward as I rubbed against him, seeking out more of his delicious warmth. I ran my fingers over his wide shoulders, feeling my way toward the tips of his wings that rose up behind him. He stiffened when I tentatively touched one, and his breath hitched as I licked against his sharp fangs in tandem with my fingers.

“Touch them…” he said with a groan of anticipation.

Kissing him deeper, I moved my hands over his widespread wings, noting the softness of their leather-like texture. They were heavy and powerful, but the way they moved was as if they were another set of limbs. They twitched under my fingers, bending and folding as if my touch was almost too much to take.

Something hard pressed against my abdomen, growing by the second, and every single drop of blood in my veins suddenly ignited. Through his leather pants, his cock throbbed against me, straining against the material. Apparently, touching and stroking his wings was having some kind of effect on the drach. I nipped at his full, bottom lip, savoring the taste of him, knowing that these moments were fleeting.

“I need to take you,” he whispered hoarsely. His words were guttural as if the dragon inside of him was still close to the surface. He dragged his claws over my skin and I shivered. “But I don’t want to hurt you.”

I nipped at his lip again, tasting him, my body on fire with need. “Maybe I want you to.” I smiled up at him wickedly, his eyes lighting up with feral restraint. “I’m not as fragile as you think I am. You won’t break me.”

He growled low under his breath, his body humming. “You say that now, but you have yet to see my cock.” I sucked in a breath as his hips thrust forward against my core. He held me tightly against him. “You’ve never been fucked by a drach, little halfling. You have no idea how powerful I am.”

I was wet for him, my body pulsing with lust. I wanted him the same way I’d wanted Erix. With the same hunger I’d swallowed down Haelo’s cock with. These males weren’t like the humans I’d been with in the past. They were animalistic in the way that they fucked, and after Erix, I realized I liked it. No…I craved it. A human man could never satisfy me the same way again.

“Show me,” I said, daring him. I dragged my palm down the center of his hard chest, letting my fingers caress his scaled armor slowly. His nostrils flared, as if he could scent exactly how wet I was. How ready I was to feel him inside of me. “Show me how a drach fucks.”

I was playing with fire, but I welcomed the burn.

He was stripping me of my clothes in the next heartbeat, his talons shredding through the top of my dress, letting the scraps fall around us. I was exposed and vulnerable to the freezing air, my nipples hardening into points. He raised his wings up, spreading them wide, circling them around us like a shield, the heat of his body instantly warming me.

I didn’t hesitate, unfastening the leather ties on his pants, letting the leather part, exposing the bulge of his cock. My mouth watered as it pulsed, begging me to free it from its constraints. Vazden hummed, his entire chest vibrating. “Do it, Princess. I want to see it in your dainty, little hand.” I pulled him free, gripping his shaft, barely able to close my fingers around the width of him. “That’s it, just like that…” He moaned when I stroked him, keeping my movements slow and unhurried.

“Are you sure this will fit?” I asked with a nervous laugh. Fuck, I hoped it would.

His hands gripped my waist as he lifted me up with little to no effort on his part until my ass was cradled in the crook of his elbows. “Lift your dress and I’ll make sure you’re ready for me.” The promise in his words had me doing as he said, bunching the thin fabric of my skirts around my waist, exposing me completely. He breathed in deeply, groaning at the scent of my wetness. “Grip my horns while I feast.”
