Page 40 of Caged Fae

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I had wings protruding from my back!

I could feel them, even before I realized what they were, as if I’d suddenly grown two extra limbs. Every inch of them fluttered and tingled as Riven ran his hands along their length. My heart pounded as my mind began to register every dip and curve of them.

I looked up, seeking out Vazden’s comforting, yellow eyes, and found him watching me, his chest puffed up and his hands balled into tight fists. I took a step forward and the weight behind me tipped me sideways. I tried to turn, but the air rushing against the surface of the appendages caused them to flutter.

“Your body is adjusting to the magic in this realm. These wings have always been a part of you, but the human world was too weak to accommodate them.” He stepped around Haelo, reaching out to place a hand lightly on my shoulder, eyeing Riven as if he wanted to shove the prince off of me. His warmth steadied me, allowing me to relax slightly, even as my heart threatened to burst out of my chest. “Do they hurt?” He peered over my shoulder at the wings I still couldn’t see.

“No,” I said. I tried to flex my back, attempting to move them, but ended up stumbling forward under the weight of them, only for Vazden to catch me before I made a fool of myself…again. Riven’s hands left my body as he took several steps back. “But they're so heavy. Are they supposed to be this heavy?”

A small smile stretched Vazden’s lips, despite the clear worry in his eyes still when he glared at Riven. “It won't feel that way forever. Your bones and muscles need time to adjust to the extra weight. Soon they’ll be as familiar to you as your own arms and you’ll hardly notice them at all.”

I sincerely doubted that, but I supposed I had to take his word for it, given the fact that he had his own set of wings.

Wings… I had actual wings of my own. Was this some kind of dream? A nightmare? I remembered the pixies I’d seen when I first arrived and the gorgeous, ethereal fluttering gossamer wings that protruded from between their shoulder blades. Their wings were beautiful and delicate like flower petals, while some of the primals were given heavy, feathered wings or leathery ones tipped with claws.

I needed to see them. Now.

Pushing off of Vazden, I tried to keep myself upright and managed to find my balance. Straining my shoulders against the heavy weight, I felt the wings flex against me. The males all watched as I closed my eyes and mentally willed them to work in my favor. A new awareness in the back of my mind hovered just out of reach. If I could only tug on the feeling that could control this new part of myself.

“Give it time,” said Haelo, softer than his usual tone with me.

“Don’t tell me what to do,” I gritted out through clenched teeth. “I think you’ve done enough damage already. Just let me figure this out.” Someone in the room snorted, and I was pretty sure it was Cadoc. “And stop pretending to be nice. I’m not an idiot, and I can tell when you’re putting on an act.”

This time, Haelo laughed. “Can you now? And you know this because…?”

“Because you’re a cruel bastard who actually enjoys watching me suffer.Just a bit of harmless fun, isn’t that what you said?” I forced myself to tug at the awareness, my eyes finally snapping open as I gained a small amount of control of the wings. I could feel my muscles responding to the tug, and all the while, I glared at Haelo and the irritating smile on his face.

“Indeed, I did,” he said. Then he moved, faster than I could react, gripping my face between his pinched fingers. It brought our faces close, our lips nearly touching. I felt the whisper of his breath over my skin. “It would be wise to watch your tongue when you speak to me. I only have so much patience.” His pale eyes shone bright, but not with rage—with excitement.

“Get your hand off of her before I remove it from your arm,” Vazden snarled, stepping up to Haelo and pressing his front against the faerie prince. His eyes were furious, and his talons were extended, ready to rip into Haelo without hesitation. “Back away from her now, Haelo.”

Haelo stared into my eyes for a heartbeat before letting go of my face and backing up. “You might have our drach at your beck and call now, but he won’t always be there to fight your battles for you. Eventually, you’re going to have to learn how to defend yourself if you want to keep up.”

“I don’t needanyoneto fight my battles,” I snapped back, glaring at both of them. They were being ridiculous. “And I don’t have any battles that need to be fought. I just want to know the truth. What’s happening to me, Haelo? And don’t lie to me again. I heard you.” I looked at Vazden, my eyes softening. “He won’t hurt me, Vaz, I realize that now.” Haelo scoffed, but I narrowed my eyes back at him. “You gave yourself away when you admitted to using me as some kind of prize to barter with. What’s your plan now that you have me here? I can’t imagine you need another slave to wash you, oil you, and suck your cock.”

“Perhaps we don’t need all of those things, but have you ever considered that maybe I enjoy having your pretty, little hands all over me?” Haelo gave me a wicked smile, showing his teeth. “Maybe next time—”

“Enough!” I stepped forward, my wings propelling me faster than I’d intended to move. “I’m sick of your faerie games. Tell me what you want with me. Tell me why all the secrecy. Tell me why Vazden is so angry with you.”

“Kyre,” Vazden warned, but I shook my head, silencing him.

“No. Why don’t we just let him speak? Let him tell me what his grand plan has in store for me.” I took my time meeting each of the princes’ eyes—first Cadoc, then Erix, then Riven, and finally Haelo. “You said you knew me the moment my blood hit Faerie’s soil. Tell me what you meant by that. Who is it you think I am?”

He had to be wrong in any case. I knew exactly who and what I was. I was the bastard daughter of the dead Karnish king. I was the disgraced halfling that my stepmother turned her back on. I was the idiot who’d made a binding deal with the Wild Hunt. I was a reckless fool who no longer knew her place in the world.

“Leave us,” Haelo said, his voice and face serious, silent, and solemn, no trace of amusement left. When nobody immediately moved, he tore his gaze from mine and looked at the others. “I said leave us. Now.”

“You don’t get to tell me to leave in my own home,” Vazden said, folding his arms over his chest. “Besides, I think I’d like to hear the lies for myself.”

Haelo gave Vazden a dry look. “When have you ever known me to be a liar?” He gestured to me. “I’m happy to be the bearer of…well, it’s not really bad news is it? In fact, I welcome it.” His face sobered again. “But you will leave this room and her come to terms with the truth without all you oafs bearing down her back. Stand on the other side of the door with your ear pressed to it like a child, I couldn’t possibly care less.”

Vazden stepped forward to argue, but I placed a hand on his chest and shook my head. “It’s fine. I’ll be all right with him.”

He looked less than convinced, and to be honest, neither was I, but I didn’t need him to protect me right now. I needed answers, and if Haelo was willing to give them, then I’d play his little games. Whatever this big mystery was, I was ready for it. I’d been exiled, cursed, kidnapped, and enslaved. I dreamwalked, I flew, and I fucked a dragon. I could handle anything at this point.


Alone with Haelo, I stood in front of a full-length mirror, staring in awe at the glossy wings the color of flames protruding from my back. I moved every which way, letting the flickering torch light bounce off of and through them.
