Page 24 of Tempt Me Forever

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My jaw dropped. He'd sent me this? My chest rose and fell rapidly as my breath accelerated. There was even a hot chocolate to go. I was about to take a sip when I noticed my phone had an unread message from Drake.

Drake: I can't do much about the rest, but I know your favorite lunch.

Kimberly: How did this even happen?

Drake: I went across the street.

Kimberly:How did you even know what to order?

Drake:Told Giacomo it was for you. He knew what to do. He even warmed up a bit to me in the process.

Kimberly: You braved Giacomo for me?

Drake: I'd do a lot more than that for you, Kimberly.

I put the phone down, grabbing my cup and taking a swig. I didn't want to know what that "a lot more" meant.

Yet, at the same time, I was desperate to find out.

Chapter Eight


Iwas a genius. I'dfound a location for the next Maxwell Hotel, and it was only my third week on the job. I always worked fast, but this was a record even for me.

I'd found it through a buddy who had firsthand knowledge of real estate in Aspen. Travis was fixated on city hotels, but a location like Aspen was a true moneymaker. I knew if he saw a solid business plan, he'd go for it. He was a smart man. I planned to call him, Reese, and Kimberly in a meeting later today to discuss this with them, but first, I wanted to lay down all the groundwork so the second I piqued their interest, I could immediately sell them on a trip there. It was crucial to strike while the iron was hot.

I called my contact, Vlad. He was actually my friend's contact, so I hadn't spoken to him before.

"Hi, Drake," he said.

"Vlad, thank you for your email and for moving so fast."

"Of course. I always try to please my clients. So you think the Maxwells will be interested?"

"Yes, very. I want to arrange for a visit there before it's shown to anyone else.”
