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“If that’s your way of suggesting that you want to back out of our relationship, it’s too late,” I said, breaking the news to her.

“You’re a piece of work, Lars Finley,” she snorted, unimpressed.



“Whatever,” he replied. “As long as you know who you belong to, I’m good.”

I stared at him, realizing that I was going to have to up my game where this relationship was concerned. It was hard to argue with a person that didn’t care about logic or validity. Lars made our relationship sound so easy when it was anything but. Neither of us knew what we were doing, and I really wished that my period would hurry up and start, so that I could look at this mess from a new perspective. I knew that there were a lot of people that got upset when emotions were dismissed as PMS, but hormones were real, and reality didn’t offend me.

Ignoring his skewed way of thinking, I asked, “Are you going to help me make something to eat or are you just going to be in my way.”

“Baby, I’m always going to be in your way, so get used to it,” he smirked, though he did take a few steps back to give me some room to open the fridge.

“Either get some hamburger meat out of the freezer or go sit down somewhere,” I ordered. “I’m going to make instant lasagna for Mom.”

When I heard the freezer door open, I headed towards the cupboards to grab a frying pan. While I wasn’t the cook that Talon was, I knew enough to keep us from starving. Yeah, it might not be lasagna from scratch, but it wouldn’t make us sick, either.

“What do you need from me, baby?”

Appreciating the help, Lars and I spent the next thirty minutes making an early dinner. Whenever I cooked, I tried making things that could easily be re-heated later since Mom and I ate super early because of her shifts. Plus, there was always some left over for when Mom got home late at night.

Just as the food was finished, Mom was walking through the front door. Like clockwork, she immediately walked into the kitchen, and I could tell that she was surprised to see Lars here. Though she was super supportive of our relationship, she wasn’t used to seeing Lars or Hunter here without Talon around. It was weird how much was changing.

“Oh, Lars,” she muttered, though she was smiling. “It’s good to see you.”

Lars walked over to her, wrapped an arm around her waist, then kissed her cheek. “Hi, Mrs. Draven. It’s good to see you, too.”

“We made lasagna,” I announced as Lars gave her some room to breathe. “Are you hungry?”

“I’m starved,” she admitted.

“Well, make yourself comfortable while we fix you a plate,” Lars instructed.

“I think I will, thank you,” Mom quipped, and I couldn’t help but grin.

Everything had felt easy and pleasant until we were finally all seated with our meals in front of us. It was then that Mom’s parental instincts and responsibilities came out, and I wasn’t upset since it wasn’t anything that she hadn’t done with Talon. Granted, Kenzlee had been coming out of Talon’s bedroom when she’d met Mom for the first time, so it could have been that.

“I’m going to have to stay after school tomorrow for-”

“Do you plan on being here often, Lars?” Mom asked him, cutting me off.

Lars’ fork stopped in mid-air. “Uhm…what?”

Mom stared directly at him. “Do you plan on being at our house often?”

“Uhm…I’m not sure how to answer…answer that,” he hedged.

“Can I expect to run into you at my home often?” she asked, rephrasing her question like Lars was slow or something.

“More often than when Talon was here?” Lars asked, his hazel eyes wide with uncertainty.

Mom nodded. “Yes.”

“Uhm…I guess that depends on what Edie has going on,” he answered. “I mean, no reason to be here if she’s not here, right?” Then history had him quickly correcting himself. “Unless you need help with the yard, or plumbing, or whatever, of course.”

“While I do appreciate how you and Hunter have always been helpful over the years, I’m more concerned with Edie not getting pregnant right now, Lars.”
