Page 144 of Fakers with Benefits

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“That sounds like heaven,” I murmured. “But you don’t actually have to do any of that. A snack and some cuddles is enough.”

“Maybe so, but I want to pamper you. Will you let me?”

“Yes. As long as I get to pamper you too. I feel like that doesn’t happen nearly enough in your life.”

He didn’t answer, but his arms tightened around me like steel bands and nearly forced the air from my lungs.

I relaxed against him and let him carry me to his room, already daydreaming about sharing some self-care with the man I loved.



“What do you think?”Emily shoved her phone under my nose.

“Oh. My. God.” I snatched the phone out of her hand and enlarged part of the photo. “This isexquisite.”

“Right?” She grinned and leaned over me to zoom in on the bodice of her wedding dress. “Check out the beadwork. It’s hard to see in this photo, but the crystals all have different-hued undertones and the effect is gorgeous under the light. Here, this video shows it better.”

“Stunning,” I said as the video played. The beads sparkled in a starburst of colors, shifting and transforming as the light hit them at different angles. “I love that you didn’t stick with the ‘safe’ choices and included warm tones. The reds and yellows add so much depth to the effect.”

“And you know the best part? It has pockets!”

“Love love love it.” I wanted to ask why the dress on her phone looked completely different from the photos she’d shown me a few weeks ago.

That dress had been sheath style with asymmetrical rouching angled toward her left hip and a sarong-style slit. The intricate beading, straight neckline, and off-the-shoulder loop sleeves added to the goddess-like energy of the gown.

Simple, elegant, and exactly what I would have expected Emily to choose.

The one I’d just looked at had the beading and angled rouching, but with a scoop neckline, butterfly sleeves, and giant ballgown skirt.

“Do you have any new ones of your reception dress?” I asked.

“We decided it was best if I didn’t waste money on a second dress.” She flipped through the gallery on her phone. “The skirt is detachable. This is what it’ll look like during the reception.”

The mermaid skirt was gorgeous on her, but the heavy material and restrictive style just didn’t hit the same as her original dress. None of what she was showing me tracked with what I knew of her tastes.

I flicked my gaze to her expression. Her tight smile and sad eyes told me everything I needed to know about how she felt about all these last-minute wardrobe changes.

“That silhouette was made for you,” I said carefully.

“Want to see the after-party dress?” she asked, her tone hopeful again.

“Is water wet? Of course I want to see the after-party dress!”

She giggled and angled the phone toward me.

This dress was exactly what I would have pictured on her with the deep V-neck that ended just north of her belly button. The actual dress was a shimmery silver, and the airy blush overlay softened the look and gave it a fairytale feel while still being edgy and making a statement.

But what really stood out for me was how happy Emily looked in it. In the other dresses she’d smiled and posed like the ex-model she was, but in this dress she radiated joy and literally glowed.

“Pardon my French, but holy shitballs.” I looked closer at the photo. “This. Is. Stunning. Ten out of ten. Five stars. I’m literallyob-sessed with this. The cut, the fit. The color choices. You’re a goddess.”

She beamed. “This was supposed to be my ceremony dress, but we ended up going in a different direction. I’m glad I still get to wear it for the after-party.”

“Why did you have to change to a different dress?” I asked.

“It’s not appropriate for a wedding or reception.”
