Page 153 of Fakers with Benefits

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“What?” Emily stilled.

“He’s a cheater.” Nick glared down at Malcolm, his face red as his breaths came out in stilted gasps. “A cheater cheater pumpkin eater.” He snapped his gaze to Imogen, giving her the same death stare as Malcolm. “Isn’t that right, pumpkin?”

Imogen blanched.

“He’s lying.” Malcolm was still staring at Emily. “He’s working with whoever is after Evan!” His crazed eyes flew to me. “He’s been lying to you about everything.”

“He’s lying! Ev, I swear—”

I crossed the room in four strides.

“Evan,” Nick said. His big blue eyes were wide and wet. A bruise on his cheekbone caught my attention and the surge of rage that hit me was so strong it stole my breath.

“Give me the knife.” I held out my hand, somehow managing to keep my voice steady.

He snapped it closed and put it in my palm.

“I swear I’m not working with any—”

Yanking him into my arms, I hugged him tight and pressed my nose into his messy hair. “I’m so sorry.”

He clung to me.

“Emily, sweetheart—” Malcolm started but was cut off by a loud slap.

“Whoa there, killer.”

I cracked one eye open in time to see Vlado scoop Emily up and drag her back from where Malcolm still lay on the floor, one hand on his cheek.

“Five minutes,” she snarled. “Give me five minutes with this waste of space.”

“He’s not worth it.” Vlado hugged Emily to his chest but kept his gun aimed at Malcolm.

“He’s lying—”

“Shut up!” Vlado and Emily both yelled at Malcolm.


I looked back down into Nick’s tearstained face.

“I’m so sorry.” I brushed his hair back from his forehead, blocking out whatever was going on with Malcolm and the others.

“Why are you sorry?” He blinked up at me.

“Because I couldn’t protect you.”

He gave me an incredulous look, his earlier distress gone. “Really? Did you not see me just now? I don’t need someone to protect me. I did just fine on my own.”

“Yes, darling, you did.” I pressed a quick but desperate kiss to his lips. “You’re right. You don’t need my protection. I’m just sorry you got dragged into all this.”

“Is Emily okay?” he asked softly.

I glanced at my sister, who was still clinging to Vlado and glaring at Malcolm like her stare could turn him to stone. And hell, maybe it could.

“She’ll be fine.” I looked at Nick. “Him, I’m not so sure about.”

Nick gave a wobbly smile. “Can we get out of this room and away from cheater mccheaterface?”
