Page 154 of Fakers with Benefits

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I peered over at Vlado.

“Go. I’ll take care of things here.”

I tightened my arm around Nick’s shoulders. “Em?”

She shook her head, her eyes still ablaze with fury as she stared down Malcolm. “I’ll help him.”

Imogen’s sobs increased in volume.

“Can we gag her?” Emily asked Vlado, her voice and expression suddenly sweet as pie. “Pretty please?”

Satisfied she’d be okay, I told Nick, “Come on.”

Nick caught Vlado’s eye, then looked down at Malcolm. “Bye Felicia.”

Vlado chuckled.

Before I could ask, Nick slung his arm around my waist and let me lead him out of the office. “Are you mad at me?”

“Of course not. Why on earth would I be mad?”

“Because I beat up your dad’s COO and now Vlado has to deal with it?”

“No, darling. I’m not mad. But there are a few things I need to tell you about Malcolm.”

“What do you mean?” he asked as we walked.

“Malcolm isn’t just a cheater. He’s behind the threats on your life.”

Nick skidded to a stop and pulled out of my grip. “What?! Oh hell no.” He spun on his heel and stalked back toward the office.

I caught his arm and gently pulled him back. “It’s over, Nicky.”

“No it the fuck isn’t. I’m gonna rip his balls off and turn them into Christmas ornaments. No one threatens my man.”

The surge of both pride and overwhelming love that swept through me at Nick’s declaration chased away the last of my rage. How the hell had I gotten so lucky to have not only found Nick, but to have earned his loyalty?

“I know, darling. I want to kill him for what he’s done to you, to Emily. But he doesn’t deserve a quick out. He’s going to spend the rest of his life behind bars, and I have ways to make sure his time there is as unpleasant as possible.”

“That’s the scariest, and the sexiest thing anyone has ever said to me.” Nick grinned impishly. “Competency is hot.” His smile dipped. “You knew about the threats before the cheating?”

“We only just figured it out.”

Hurt shrouded his eyes. “Like you and Vlado?”


“Oh.” He rubbed at his neck. “Well, that’s good. At least you solved the mystery. Like the Hardy Boys, only you’re not bio brothers. Or teenagers. And this wasn’t really a mystery. And—”

“I’m sorry we didn’t include you.” I sighed. “I messed up. I should have told you what we were doing.”

“Whatwereyou doing? How did you find out?”

“Can we walk and talk?”

He fell into step beside me.

“Vlado got a call from his team about ten minutes after we arrived. They found the printer the letters were being printed from, and traced them back to Malcolm.”
