Page 11 of Hayden

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After my teammates and I leave the ice, we file into the locker room. I take a quick shower, then I dress in nice jeans, running shoes, and a black-and-silver Thunder jersey over a black tech tee.

All set for today’s event, I head over to the corporate office area to meet my assigned consultant. My instructions are to meet him or her—I don’t even know—in Conference Room B.

I guess we’ll leave from there.

When I reach Conference Room B, the door is shut, so I knock on it lightly.

“Come on in,” a feminine voice calls out.

Excellent, my consultant is clearly a woman.

I wonder if she’s hot.

No, I can’t allow thoughts like that to infiltrate my mind.

Best behavior, remember?

Slowly, I open the door, the side of a long table coming into view.

Here we go…

With a friendly, but not flirtatious, smile, I step confidently into the conference room.

And there, standing at the head of the table, wearing a tight black dress I’ve seen before, is my consultant.

But no, something is different. There’s a black blazer over the dress, making it look more professional.

Still, it’s the person wearing the dress who has my smile instantly faltering.

You have got to be kidding me.

This cannot be happening.

Why do I keep running into this chick?

At least, now I know why she was on my flight.

I skid to a stop and blurt out, “What the hell?”

“Yeah, that was my initial reaction too,” Addison fucking Knight snaps.

She has a smug smile, and her arms are crossed.

Ahh, so she knew before I did that we’d be working together.

But I better check.

Maybe she’s in this room for another reason.

Please, God, I hope she is.

With a glimmer of hope sparking to life, I ask, “Are you really my consultant?”

“I really am,” she retorts, extinguishing my spark of hope to a burned-out ember. “Look, I’m no happier than you are about this.” She sighs. “But this is what the Thunder want, so we may as well make the most of it.”

“Easier said than done,” I grumble as I head over to the table to sit a few seats down from where she’s standing.

I don’t want to sit too close; she might bite.
