Page 45 of Hayden

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Why is that?

She’s not mine.

But do you want her to be?a little voice inside my head asks.

Before I can censor myself, I blurt out, “Did you love him?”

Her eyes widen, and she responds, “No, I didn’t. And that’s two questions, buddy. Now I get to ask two in a row. Or”—she raises a brow—“you can choose two dares.”

“Ha!” I laugh as I reach over to lift the bottle off the table.

Filling up my flute, I say, “If these questions are any indication of the type of dares that might come up, I think I’m going to need more champagne before we gothere.”

“Shit, you’re not kidding.” Leaning forward, she picks her glass up off the table and holds it out. “Fill me up, too, okay?”

“You got it.”

With our champagne refreshed, we lean back into our respective spots. “Truth or dare?” she asks.

“Just truth for now. Like I said, I’m afraid to do two dares just yet.”

Laughing, she says, “Okay.” And then, without missing a beat, she fires out, “Have you ever been in love…and, if so, with whom?”

Yes, and maybe a little with you.

Shit, where did that come from?

Taking a big gulp of bubbly, I lower my flute and say, “I thought I was in love once. But I was only eighteen. She was my high school sweetheart. I guess, for that time, I was. So, yeah, I’ll say yes.”

My head keeps telling me I know love feels differently from how I felt back then. My feelings for that girl in high school, though strong, weren’t anything close to the way I feel about the woman across from me right now, who is currently peering over at me curiously.

I meet her gaze, and as she swallows hard, her greens telling me she feels something too.

Something strong, something intense.

Holy fuck, is Addison Knight falling for me as much as I’m falling for her?

Is this whole thing more than friendship, more than lust?

I ask her with my eyes, and she whispers, “Hayden…”

I’m about to say, “Babe, what’s happening here?”

But just as I open my mouth, her expression turns mischievous, and she says, “You know what?”


“I think it’s time for some dares. Enough with the stalling. Let’s be brave and adventurous.”

Now when our eyes meet, there’s a different kind of sparkle in hers.

Looks like shit’s about to get dirty.

“Hell, yeah,” I say.

As that is fine with me.

