Page 63 of Hayden

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I am so stupid.

Hayden absolutely cannot be trusted.

I guess once a player, always a player. And I don’t mean on the ice.


I should have known better.

And now I feel like such a fool.


After we land in Atlanta, I race to get home. Home is where I’ll find Addison in my bed. I plan to wake her with kisses and love up on her all night long.

More importantly, I’m going to bare my soul and share with her that I love her.

Fuck, man, I do.

After I pull into my garage, I don’t even bother grabbing my bag from the back. I just get my ass upstairs as quickly as I can.

But, wait, this is weird.

There’s no Addison in my bed.

I check back downstairs to see if maybe she fell asleep on the sofa while watching the game. She told me she planned to see it over here.

But no, she’s not in the living room either.

This is strange.

It’s late, like after two in the morning.

Should I text her?

I think about it and decide to give it a try. Though it seems to me that if she changed her mind about coming over, she would have let me know.

Shit, I hope everything is okay.

Quickly, I whip out my phone and text her.

Me: Babe, I’m home. Where are you? I thought you’d be in my bed, I’m sad that you’re not. I was totallyplanning to make it worth your while.

I wait and wait, but she sends no reply.

Maybe she fell asleep over at her house?

That could easily have happened since our plans were for so late at night.

I finally decide that maybe this is better. The travel and games are catching up to me, and I’m feeling pretty wiped out.

I’ll just crash and call Addison in the morning. It’s Sunday, and there are no practices or morning skates.

It’ll be nice to spend the whole day with her.

I don’t wake up until after ten the next morning. The good thing is I feel completely refreshed.

I shower and dress in faded jeans and a black-and-silver Thunder hoodie, then I go downstairs to the kitchen, where I grab an energy bar and a glass of orange juice.
