Page 27 of The Last Fire

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“Sorry, Becca,” Uriel takes it from my hand as I try to smooth out my hair.

“I told you not to throw it in this direction, you idiot!” the brunette boy yells, clearly annoyed.

“How annoying, Uri! What are you guys, children?” I snap irritably.

Uriel shrugs with a guilty smile on his face and ruffles my hair, enjoying himself as he always does when he does that.

“Boys will be boys.” Saza shakes her head disgustedly. “Once kids, always kids,” she mumbles, tripping over the straw between her lips.

“Once kids, always kids,” Uriel imitates her and grimaces, then swipes the juice box from her hand and leaves.

“That's my juice, you annoying jerk!”

“After school, I'll treat you to another one if you agree to go out with me,” Uriel chuckles and heads towards the door, colliding with the last person I want to see.


Once, I would have sought any excuse to be near him, but now...

No, no, no! I cover my face and press my head back against the desk.

Manasseh promised, I encourage myself.

But... it's Manasseh! Reality is discouraging.

“Rebecca?” I hear my name being called from the door, and I immediately lift my head when I recognize the voice.

“Samael?” Saza murmurs, still glued to my desk. Becca, she shakes my shoulder, panicked. “It's Samael!”

I raise my gaze, I can't help it. With a stern expression and a black mask on his face, he signals for me to come closer.

Damn it! He's specifically looking for me, and he doesn't seem at all like himself. Did Manasseh tell him about the photos?

He lingers at the classroom door, showing no eagerness to enter. How do I realize he's not himself? His eyes are cold and vacant. Or maybe it has something to do with his father's return? He doesn't seem too happy when he's around.

I rise from my seat and cautiously approach. My legs tremble, as do my hands, which I hide behind my back.

“Hey, Sami. W-what's up?” I stammer like a complete fool and force a smile, not because I want to, but because it's an involuntary effect of the suffocating anxiety in this moment.

“Manasseh told me that...”

“Told” and “Manasseh” are the only words I don't want to hear from him right now.

I feel like I'm dying!

“Becca, I forgot to inform you about our date…” his words trail off midway through the sentence, as Robby, my photography club colleague, notices who I'm talking to.

“A date?” Samael pierces Robby with his gaze, then looks at me with such sharpness that I can't manage to explain myself.

“For our photography club... starting today,” Robby stutters in terror, as Samael continues to challenge him with his eyes.

“I didn't forget, I know it's today, but I don't remember... the time?!” I notify him, but Robby disappears and apologizes in the same second, before I can finish my sentence.

Poor guy, he knows from last time that it's not wise to interrupt when the Morgenstern siblings are talking.

“Are you alright?” Samael shifts his gaze to me, and his eyes soften.

“Yes,” I nod and look anywhere else but at him.
