Page 13 of Tis The Season

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“I’m thinking that you need to get to know Will and this is a great opportunity.”

“I do not need to get to know him.”

“You’re so cute when you’re mad. Like a little, tiny, angry, baby tiger.” He pinched my cheek, and I swatted at him. “That’s right. Save that anger for the games. Kick the man’s ass. This is going to be fun.”

Ten minutes later, we had our table cleaned up and were walking down into the dim arcade. This was such a bad idea.

“They’re over there.” Tanner headed toward the basketball games.

We slid up behind the guys who were shooting hoops. Will was in the lead, but once we arrived, Hunter quickly surpassed him and ended up winning. Will threw the last ball aggressively.

“I was doing fine until they showed up! Her scent distracted me!” Will sulked.

Tanner laughed. “Yeah, your mate’s scent will do that to you.” I tried to interrupt him, but he ignored me and kept talking. “Let us in on some of these games. I’m in the mood to win myself.”

We spent the next hour or so playing every game in the arcade. As the competitions went on, I found myself relaxing and enjoying myself. Unfortunately, the more fun I had, the more my scent curled around the room. I was proud of myself for holding my own against the guys. Will, Hunter, and Tanner all talked a lot of shit to each other and to me. There was a lot of jostling and backslapping, and while it seemed innocent enough, I couldn’t help but notice Will’s touches left more scent marks behind than anyone else’s. Hunter told some joke, and the sound of Will’s laughter wrapped around me, swirling with his scent. I needed a break.

“I’m heading to the bathroom!” I yelled over the music. The guys all nodded in acknowledgment, and I hurried away.

A few minutes in some fresher air and I was feeling more myself, and a little silly about my reaction to Will’s scent. He hadn’t shown me any special attention today or anything to prove he wasn’t the mindless jock like I’d thought. We were literally playing sports down here.

Except he had cheered for me when I did well and offered some encouragement and suggestions when I could use them. I hadn’t expected that. This was supposed to be a cutthroat competition.

The longer I stood there analyzing the last hour, the more confused I got. I left the restroom determined to keep my space only to get immediately slammed back against a wall. It took a second to get my breath back, but the lungfuls of air I took in were thick with lime and salt. Piercing blue eyes held me in place tighter than his arms ever could.

“Go out with me again,” Will whispered against my lips.

“What? Why?” I couldn’t think clearly with him this close.

“Because your scent is driving me wild. Because I want a real chance to court you.”

He closed the gap between us, pressing our foreheads together and breathing me in. He slid his hand up into my hair and lightly tugged. I let out a little moan, and his control snapped.

Will devoured me, kissing me like a starved man. His hand continued to tug my hair, tilting my head up to exactly the angle he wanted. My omega preened at this alpha taking control, and my scent bloomed, letting him know just how much I loved it.

But we were in an arcade. And this wasn’t appropriate. I pushed him back, and he growled a little at the rejection, but I didn’t let him go too far. I gripped the front of his shirt, letting his body keep me steady until I got my wits back.

“Go out with me again.”

I didn’t respond. I couldn’t form words yet.

“Go out with me. You’re mine. Not Tanner’s.”

Tanner? Why was he talking about him right now?

“What about Tanner?” I managed to ask.

“The alpha you’re here with. You’re not his. You’remine.“ He practically growled the last word, and I hated to admit that it did something for me. But it also snapped me back to reality.

“I don’t know how we keep ending up like this, but I am not yours. I am not Tanner’s either, not that it’s your business. But more importantly, I. Am. Not. Yours.” His lime scent turned sharp with frustration. “And no, I will not accept another courting request from you.”

“Everything okay over here?” I turned and saw my dad’s intern, Grant, looking at us cautiously. I let out a sigh of relief. Getting between an alpha and his omega was a dangerous spot, so I understood his hesitation, but, once again, I wasn’t Will’s omega.

“Yes, thanks, but we’re done here anyway.” I started to walk toward Grant when Will grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. “No. We aren’t.”

I glared at my wrist and then up at him. “Yes. We are.” I pulled my arm back and made a show of wiping my wrist off where Will had marked me. It was pretty ineffective, but the intent was still clear.

“Grant, walk me back to myfriendTanner, please?”
