Page 91 of One Good Move

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“You are mine,” he begins, and already my heart is racing, my pulse hammering under my skin. It’s almost more than I can bear.

He drops my hand and reaches into his pocket to pull out a tiny velvet box. He snaps open the top, revealing an oval shape diamond on a dainty platinum band. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I’m speechless.

“I’ve known I’ve wanted to spend all my days and nights with you since the first day I saw you. The rhythm of my heart changed that weekend we met in Miami. Every time you smile my heart beats triple time in my chest. When you laugh, my heart hammers against my ribs. And when your big brown eyes find mine, I swear it stops beating all together. I tried to stay away from you. Hell, I tried to forget you all together after that night in Miami. But I couldn’t forget your smile, the way you made me feel. I’ve always been powerless when it comes to you.”

He squeezes my hand. “I never saw you coming, Sierra, but I’ve never been the same since meeting you. Let me take care of you for the rest of your life because I promise you, sunshine, no one will do it better than me.”


“I want all of you. All of your Friday nights and every one of your Sunday mornings. I want babies, a dog, I want it all.” He pauses, a frown crossing his face. His dark eyes pierce mine, holding me captive. “Why have we never talked about this? You want babies, right?”

“We can start trying tonight,” I answer quickly with tears streaming down my cheeks.

He laughs, then closes his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath. “What we have is fate. You’re the girl I want to love for the rest of my life. You are my every dream come true. And God, how I wish I could have asked your dad for his blessing to marry his daughter, but instead I asked Jake. So… marry me, Sierra. Make me the happiest man on the planet.”

My eyes blur with unshed tears. He’s on his knee, gazing up at me with those eyes and asking me for forever.

“Yes,” I blurt out. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you.” He slips the ring on my finger, and it fits like it was made just for me. I lean over, kissing him, falling into his lap. “I love you so much, Gray.”

With gentle hands, his thumbs wipe the tears from my stained cheeks. “I love you more.”

This is it. I’ve found the one.

I’ve found my forever.

I’m going to be Grayson Ford’s wife.

I could die of happiness right here on this beach. Warmth fills my chest and that feeling that I get whenever I’m in Grayson’s arms unravels me.

It turns out coming back home was one good move.

I can’t wait to see what happens next.




“Why is it a bazillion degrees in here?” I ask Gray, as I fan my face with my hand.

“The air conditioning is blasting, baby. It’s not that hot.”

I think it’s just nerves.

I blow out a breath, checking the clock on the wall for the 100thtime, smoothing my dress over my hips. Guests are arriving in 10 minutes.Breathe, Sierra. Inhale. Exhale. Everything looks perfect.

Today has been a whirlwind, coordinating party rentals, and flower deliveries and making sure everything is just perfect. Not to mention staying up all hours for the past couple of nights, frantically making sure there are enough treats for everyone to eat. It’s not every day a dream you’ve had since you were nine years old comes true. Today needs to be one for the books.

I move the three-tier cake I made a little to the left because…well… I don’t know… then I fiddle with the balloons because… again, I don’t know. I need to keep myself busy, so I don’t lose my mind. Just as I’m about to start poking at the flowers from Bloom that were delivered today, Grayson sweeps me into his side with a knowing smile.

“Come here, sunshine. It’s going to be great. Don’t worry about a thing.” He pulls me into his chest, pressing a kiss to my temple.

“I love you.”

“I know. I love you too.”

Tonight, I open the doors of Buttercup Bakery to friends and family, and tomorrow its doors will open to the rest of Reed Point. I can hardly believe it’s really happening.
