Page 92 of One Good Move

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Grayson talked me into a grand opening party and I’m so glad he did. Sharing this milestone with the people who have supported me and helped to get my little bakery up and running makes it even more meaningful to me. Every one of the guys—Jake, Tucker, Holden, and Beckett—have been here helping me out as often as they can. And decorating the space? I have Jules to thank for that.

It looksperfect.The walls are painted the faintest shade of pink, the counter white with glass shelves to display my cupcakes, cookies and other treats. On the wall at the back of the shop is a neon sign that readsButtercup Dreams.

Not long after Gran gave me the money, I made an appointment at the bank and it turned out that with her gift and my own savings, starting a small business was within my reach. I started looking for bakery locations right away. As luck would have it, Grayson found a small space up for lease. It was a coffee shop with a small industrial kitchen just down the street from Bloom, the flower shop owned by Olivia and Ellie, Jules’ sisters-in-law. As soon as we had the keys in hand, we got to work painting and decorating, transforming the 1,700-square-foot space into the bakery of my dreams. I named my business-baby Buttercup Bakery, in honor of my mom.

A lump forms in my throat when I think of how proud my parents would be. It’s days like today that I miss them so much it physically hurts. Thank goodness for Jake. Having my brother here to share this moment means everything to me. And of course, Gray has been by my side every step of the way. Between helping out with my house renovations for months and now the bakery, I’m pretty sure he is qualified to be a professional painter at this point. But he hasn’t complained once. I know that my parents would have absolutely adored him.

My eyes rake over my fiancé.Damn, he looks good.Gray is wearing perfectly tailored grey dress pants with a crisp white button-up, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The top two buttons are unbuttoned, and his blond hair is freshly cut and styled, the day or two of stubble on his jaw just the way I like it.

My God, he’s beautiful.

My breath hitches in my throat.

A lot has happened in the six months since Grayson proposed to me. I moved in with him two weeks later and we really haven’t been apart since. I’ve always heard that the first year of living together is the hardest, but we developed a rhythm quickly and things just seemed to fall into place.

It’s probably because neither one of us can stand to be away from one another. It’s just the way we are—happiest together.

I blink when the bell on the door chimes and Grayson’s mom and dad walk in, his sister Kyla on their heels.

Grayson moves to greet them, pulling his sister and his mom in for hugs and then shaking his dad’s hand. He and his father have really been working on their relationship. Yeah, it’s not always easy, but for the first time in a long time, Grayson feels like he has his father in his life again. His dad has been clean now for almost two years, and he has apologized for the years of being absent and promised that this time it will be different. For Gray’s sake, I’m hoping that turns out to be true. We make sure to go over and visit them once a week for dinner, and even though anxiety will sometimes still eat at Grayson on our drive over, it’s an emotion that he’s learned to deal with.

“Wow. The place looks unreal, Si,” Tucker says a second after walking inside, kissing my cheek.

“I owe you, Tuck. You know I couldn’t have done it without you and the guys,” I say, squeezing his bicep.

“Anything for our favorite baker. Besides, you can pay me back in food,” he says with a wink, snagging a cupcake from the platter on the counter. “This one has my name written all over it.”

Jules finds me next, throwing her arms around me as soon as she walks through the door. “It’s happening, Si! I’m beyond proud. You made your dreams come true.”

Hugging her back, I squeeze my eyes shut. “I know. I can’t believe it. I just wish my mom and dad were here to see it.”

“I know, babe,” Jules whispers into my hair. “But I know they’re up there watching you with the biggest smiles on their faces.”

As Jules pulls back from the embrace, I take a step behind the counter and survey the room with happy tears in my eyes. All around me, the bakery is full of family and friends here to celebrate me. Holden and Aubrey are chatting with Tuck and Gran. Gray is with his sister, laughing at whatever story Beck is telling. And then there’s Jake, who is standing next to a beautiful brunette and listening with rapt attention to the sweetest little girl with strawberry blonde pigtails. Her name is Birdie, and I am crazy about her. Today she is wearing a cat ear headband and a pair of glittering fairy wings. Grayson has already had to tear me away from her twice.

“Your brother looks like a natural,” Jules says, leaning against the counter and looking over at the little girl licking pink buttercream icing off her cupcake.

“It’s funny, but it’s true. He really does,” I say, absentmindedly twirling my engagement ring around on my finger. The minute my brother asked if he could bring two guests to the party, I knew who he meant. I didn’t bother hiding my excitement either when he told me he was bringing Everly and her daughter. I’m pretty sure I screamed.

“Maybe she’s the one,” I say to Jules. “You never know. It’s funny how life works.”

“You and I know that better than anyone,” she agrees as Grayson arrives with two flutes of champagne, passing one to each of us.

Grayson clears his throat and then gently clinks a knife against the champagne glass he’s holding, gathering the crowd’s attention.

“We’re all here today to celebrate this gorgeous woman beside me,” he starts. Someone whistles. Tucker calls out, “I love you, Si.” The whole room erupts in laughter.

Grayson clears his throat. “Sierra is incredible. She was born to bake,” he says, reaching for my hand, locking his eyes with mine. “You work tirelessly. You’ve taught all of us here today that you can achieve anything you want if you put your mind to it. For the past six months, I’ve watched you chase your dream and I’m so proud to be standing here next to you to watch you achieve it.”

He smiles at me. I drink him in. He has forever in his eyes. Mine sayI’m yours.

“Sierra, you’re an inspiration. Smart, resilient, and bright like the sun.” He continues as I blush, soaking in his compliments while noticing that many of the ladies in the room are looking on with lovesick expressions. God, Gray really could charm birds out of trees.

“And I’m going to marry the hell out of you now that Buttercup Bakery is officially open.”

The crowd cheers. He smirks, always cocky, happy in the spotlight. My stomach does a cartwheel. Cocky Grayson turns me all the way on. If I look at him for five more seconds, there’s a chance I’ll get pregnant.

But first things first. Grayson has asked me to set a date for the wedding every week since proposing and now that the bakery is up and running—almost—I know I’m ready to become Mrs. Ford. He is mine until the day I die.

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