Page 93 of One Good Move

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I can’t help but smile thinking about where Grayson and I started and where we are now. Three years ago, we met in Miami. It was a chance encounter that I ran from, knowing that if I stayed a minute longer, I would never want to let him go. And now here we are, starting a life together that is better than either of us could ever have dreamed of.

I lean into him a little closer, exhaling a breath as Grayson pulls me close to his side. I’m this man’s girl forever and I will spend the rest of my life showing him how much I love him.


“Leavesome for the rest of us, fuckstick,” Holden says, watching Tuck stuff a mini cupcake into his mouth.

“Waat,” Tuck shrugs, his mouth full of cake.

“Leave some for the rest of Si’s guests,” Holden says again, shoving a napkin at Tucker’s chest. “And tomorrow morning, when you can’t ride worth shit because your stomach hates you, I’m not going to be the one towing your ass up the mountain.”

Tucker smirks, then snatches another vanilla cupcake from the table before saying, “Man, you talk like we’re 60 years old. I’m not even 30. I’m at the literal peak of physical health. Look at me, I’m fucking unstoppable.”

He shoves the whole cupcake into his mouth, staring at Holden the entire time. I can’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, right,” Beckett say with a laugh, rolling his eyes. “We’re definitely towing this guy tomorrow.”

My eyes drift over to Sierra. I’ve barely been able to look at anything else all evening.

Her dress is ridiculously sexy: Emerald green and backless, with two thin, criss-crossed straps, a long, flowy skirt that dusts the floor. Her hair cascades down her back in loose waves, and she looks like a damn supermodel. She blows my mind.

Being here today, celebrating Sierra with our family and friends, is surreal. Never in a million years could I have imagined being engaged to the woman of my dreams. Sierra is beautiful and talented and so far out of my league it isn’t even funny. I don’t deserve her, but I’m not going to be the one to point that out to her. I’m going to just stay right where I am, sipping champagne while Sierra effortlessly works the room. I’m so fucking proud of her.

I watch as she crosses the room to where my parents are standing, making sure they are feeling welcome and comfortable. It means a lot to me that they’re here tonight. It’s important to Sierra too; she has adopted my mom as her own over the past six months. Sometimes it feels like it’s me against the two of them; they both love to give me the gears. And that’s just fine with me, because my mom has become someone who Sierra can talk to. When Sierra finally told her that her parents had died in a fire, my mom held her hand and listened with tears in her eyes. She told Sierra she was family now and that she’d be there for her whenever she needed anything.

My dad has been clean now for almost two years. His addictions took a toll on me for a very long time. Those years were dark. I was angry, scared, and resentful, never knowing what to expect. My heart felt closed off to him, but we are on much more solid ground now. We’ve worked hard at our relationship. I won’t let my past upset my future, not when I’m this happy with my dream girl by my side.

Sierra quit her job at The Seaside to focus on Buttercup Bakery. There were tears and a big farewell party at Catch 21. As for me, work is as busy as ever with The Liberty still sittingjustbehind The Seaside. Hopefully not for long, though. I still have hope I’ll be sipping those Aperol Spritzes with Beckett in Italy someday soon. As for Blair? She won’t be invited. Beckett had her transferred out of state, and she’s never showed her face again.

Jake claps me on the shoulder, bringing me pack to the present.

“She’s cute as hell, man,” I tell him, nodding towards Birdie, who is showing Jules and Sierra her cat purse.

“She’s a good kid.” Jake says fondly. “Somehow I’m already attached.”

“Things seem serious,” I say, careful not to push.

He rubs the back of his neck, his shoulders sagging. “There’s a whole lot more involved than just me and her mom liking each other. What do I know about dating someone with a kid? We’ve only known each other for 8 months. I’m sure I’ll fuck it up.”

“You won’t fuck anything up,” I say, glancing at Everly and Birdie. “Just follow your heart, bro.”

“Not this again,” Jake says, elbowing me in my side. “For fuck sakes, cut the brother crap.”

There’s no time for a cheeky comeback because my gaze finds Sierra crossing the room towards me, a sexy sway in her hips. She’s smiling from ear to ear, but behind that smile I can see the exhaustion in her eyes.

She did it. She has had this dream since she was a little girl, and now it’s a reality. I hug her tightly, emotion getting the best of me as I realize yet again just how far gone I am for her. This girl hung the damn moon. A love like hers is once in a lifetime.

I brush my lips against her hair.

She’s my world.

And she’s mine to keep.

I pull her into my chest. “Today was incredible. You’re incredible. But I can’t wait to take you home and run you a bath.”

Sierra rises on her toes, pressing a kiss to my mouth, and I taste the champagne she’s been sipping on all day. She drags the kiss out until she’s nibbling on my bottom lip while I fight to remain in control, so my dick doesn’t get hard. I’m already sporting a semi. “I like the sound of that. My feet are aching.”

I kiss her again and give her a squeeze before letting her go. “We need to take a picture.”
