Page 118 of Dirty Legend

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Leaning down and brushing my lips against hers, I pulled back before we could get carried away. Phoenix was full-on crying now, and she was more important than my need to fuck my wife into next week.

I stood up and pulled her out of the wrap I liked to carry her around in. It was soft, and she seemed to love it as much as I did. I guess her mom wasn't the only one addicted to being close to me.

Handing her over to Amara, I watched as my wife's face lit up. She pressed a kiss to our baby's forehead before pulling her shirt down and letting Phoenix latch on. I watched, mesmerized by the sight in front of me.

I sat on the edge of the desk in front of her. "What time do we have to leave?"

She looked up and smiled at me, her eyes full of wonder. "Gray said dinner would be ready at six. Since we're walking next door, I'd say we should leave around five forty-five."

I looked at my watch. "Half an hour? I should go pack her bag." I pushed off the desk and swept Amara's hair off of her face, my fingers lingering and brushing along the smooth skin of her neck as she shivered.

Tearing myself away, I moved toward the door. Even though we were just going next door for one of Kennedy's family dinners, a baby needed about six dozen different things. I tossed one last glance over my shoulder, smiling wickedly at Amara. I had big plans for us tonight, and I wanted to be sure she knew it.

* * *

Swingingthe door to Zen and Kennedy's house open, we walked in and I set Phoenix's bag down on the floor by the door with a thud. Amara had her in the wrap against her chest, but I was itching to hold her. If I went too long without having her close, I started to feel twitchy. I was beginning to think maybe I had a problem.

Amara flashed me a knowing look before pulling Phoenix out of her wrap and handing her over. I snuggled her against my chest, cradling the back of her head with my hand as we made our way into the kitchen.

Gray was in front of the stove, lifting a spoon coated in red sauce up to his lips to taste. "Perfect." He set it down and turned around, noticing us. "Hey, guys. Look how big little P has gotten! I can't believe she's growing so fast."

Amara looked like she might be getting a little teary next to me, so I grabbed her hand and squeezed. "Yeah, she's growing pretty fast," I agreed. "What's for dinner?" I wanted to change the subject because I didn't like to think about my daughter not being a baby anymore.

"Italian. It's been too long since we did lasagna." My stomach grumbled.

"Sounds yummy," I said.

"Yummy?" He raised his eyebrow.

"What? I'm a dad now, I'm allowed to say stuff likeyummyandboo-boos."

He laughed. "Fair enough."

Amara glanced around the mostly empty room. "Where's Kennedy?"

Gray turned back around to stir the sauce. "She'll be down in a minute. She and Zen were still getting ready, I think."

We moved into the living room and sat down as the front door opened, and the rest of our gang seemed to all show up at once. Maddox, Jericho, Connor, Montana, and Harrison came into the house and greeted Grayson and then us. I begrudgingly let Montana take Phoenix out of my arms so she could get some baby cuddles in.

The guys and I grabbed drinks and then started setting the table. "Hey, Gray! How long until dinner's ready?" I called out.

"Five minutes." Jericho disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a massive tray of garlic bread followed by Maddox carrying a bowl of salad.

Once the table was set, and we were ready to sit down, I still didn't see Zen or Kennedy. "Anyone know where our host and hostess are?"

We all looked at each other, but Grayson was the only one looking at anyone but me. "Gray?"

"I'll go see what the hold up is." He pushed himself back out of his seat and left the room.

I leaned over to Amara. "That's weird, right?"

She nodded. "Totally weird."

I glanced across the table at Maddox, who had Phoenix tucked into the crook of his arm. He flashed me a grin that said he knew exactly how much I wanted to be holding my daughter right now, but he got there first. Fucker.

Grayson stepped back into the room, followed by Kennedy and right behind her Zen. She gripped his hand and looked a little unsteady as he pulled out her chair, and she lowered herself down into it. "Thanks for coming, guys. Sorry we're late," she mumbled.

I looked over at Amara, and she looked concerned.
