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“Yo, Romano, it's good to hear from you.” He genuinely sounds pleased. This is good because I have a favor to ask.

“Yeah, as I am in your town I thought we could meet up.”

“You in Chicago?”


“Weird I hadn't heard nothing about that.”

“It's not official business.”

There is a tense silence as I wait for Tommy to react. I won't blame him if he doesn't want to deal with me unofficially. His position is precarious.

“So, what's up?”

I sigh with relief, “So, I might have gotten myself in a bit of a situation in New York. I'm essentially banned for the duration.”

“Whoa! Sounds heavy.”

“It is. Especially since I just got married.”

“What? Congratulations!”

I can't help cheesing, as bad as things are, “Yeah thanks. The problem is I kinda had to leave my wife behind and I didn't get to talk to her first.”

“Don't you guys got e-mail or something?”

I huffed in bitter amusement, “Sure, but 100% her dad is monitoring it. I'm not exactly in his good graces.”

“Damn this is some old school shit huh?”


“So what? You need some men to ride out to kidnap her or what?”

I snort derisively, “Funny you should say that. But no. I just need you to get a message to my cousin Benedetto. Tell him to arrange a rendezvous point between me and her, then we can ride off together somewhere, and wait this out.”

“Aww, how Bonnie and Clyde of you. But you said the father is hostile. Won't he be a problem?”

“Almost definitely. I don't really care about that right now.”

“’Tell you what, I’ll have one of my men pick you up. Where are you staying?”

“Little no tell motel called the Pandemonium.”

Tommy snorted, “I actually know that place. They have a really good breakfast buffet.”

I have to laugh, “Trust you to know that.”

“Anyways, I can have one of my men come get you, and we can have dinner and talk.”

“I would appreciate that, man.”

“Yeah, sure no problem.” Tommy hangs up without another word. He isn't one for extended goodbyes.

With a sigh of relief, I stretch languidly before heading to the bathroom to take a nice long shower. Now that I have a plan in place, I can unclench a little bit. I know I can trust Benedetto to help me with my plan. He is just as upset as I am about my exile.

I put the water as hot as it goes, thinking pensively of Mark. It hurts to go there and I suspected the pain of his passing will haunt me for a long time. Even though I've lost several people to the life, Mark's death seemed to come out of nowhere and it was just so unexpected - I'm having trouble coming to grips. To lose Mark and then Giada within hours of each other, it has me spun out. I'm willing to do whatever I have to, to get at least one of them back.
