Page 122 of 10 Inches

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A gust of wind tugs my skirt closer around my legs, and I can hear the rustling of their feet on the sand. Fingers lift my chin, holding my face gently. It’s Callum, and he smiles lazily as our eyes meet, leaning in to press his lips against mine. Our first kiss is so sweet, sweeter than I ever would have imagined Callum would be. It’s a simple and soft hello that swells my heart, and the way he holds me gently, his big hands resting on my upper arms, has me melting. He moves against me so softly that when he pulls away, I lean forward, following his mouth as it retreats.

Callum steps aside, and Liam steps in, slipping his hand into my hair and drawing me towards him. His lips are hungrier, maybe because he already watched his brother do this exact same thing only seconds earlier. I can taste the cocktail on his lips, and the passion in his grasp, and I put my hand on his neck, drawing him closer. Then he, too, pulls back.

“What?” I say, not understanding why he’s stopped in the middle of something so amazing. Wondering if this is how it’s going to be, passed back and forth between them.

“What else, Bethany?”

The question takes me by surprise. “What do you mean what else? Why did you stop?”

“What else do you want? We need you to tell us so that we know you’re sure of everything. We want you to feel in control of what happens next. You get to choose, baby, just you.” Liam strokes his palm over my hair, pushing back the wispy bits tickling my cheeks, but I can’t look at him. I feel too raw, tooseen,and it feels amazing and terrifying all in one big bundle.

How can a person go from being steered in life to taking the wheel? Brad had been emotionally manipulative, subtle in his cruelty, pick-pick-picking away until I looked down at myself and saw nothing but holes. It had been four months since I walked away, but the holes were still there, the wind blowing through and taking my courage with it.

It seemed that Liam and Callum could see the holes too, which was mortifying. That they wanted to help me fill them in with myself again was too glorious to comprehend. Dean had said his best men were the truest friends anyone could ever have, and I thought he was waxing lyrical. Now I see exactly what my brother-in-law was talking about.

“Bethany…” Callum says, caressing my cheeks. “If you can’t tell us, show us, baby. Show us what you need, and we’ll give it to you. We’ll give it all to you.”

My breath catches in my throat, and a tear slips past my restraint. Before I have a chance to wipe it away, Callum kisses me where it fell. It’s that simple gesture that gives me resolve. “I want you,” I say, taking each of their hands in mine. “I want everything.”

Liam strokes my hair gently, as though I’m something precious and fragile, and then he says, “Then that’s exactly what we’ll give you.”



Liam and Callum had been right about me earlier that night. I'm not a 'sex on the beach' kind of girl. It's too messy, with far too much risk of sand abrasion in unfortunate places. I wasn't averse to being carried to their hotel room though, while they sang what had become 'our tune.' It's probably the alcohol that has made me feel so loose-limbed and unconcerned about what the world might think. I guess, to an outsider, we would look like friends enjoying a silly time while on vacation. I suspect that the truth would be far from the mind of the average person.

The resort is quiet, but when we pass Kerry and Dean's suite, we can hear giggling, and I am so unbelievably happy for them.

When Callum reaches his door, he rests me down and kisses me on the mouth. As he makes quick work of the lock, Liam presses his lips against my neck, only drawing back as Callum pulls me into the room. Liam follows closely, carrying my shoes and purse. There's a moment when the door clicks into place, and the room darkens,my heart skitters in my chest. In bare feet, the twins loom large with their eyelids lowered and eyes dark with desire. The air crackles with energy: the buzz that comes with anticipation, the discovery of a new lover, and the pleasure that will come with it. I wait because I've given them the green light toeverythingand the look in their eyes says they will take it. I'm buzzing just thinking about what we're going to do, and so damn happy I'm finally in a place to draw some kind of line across Brad and his aftereffects.

And what a line it's going to be.

Callum is the first to pull his tie away from his shirt collar, watching me closely. Liam isn't far behind. There are little buttons down the front of my dress; covered ones that are fiddly to do up but easy to undo. As I flip them open one by one, their burning gazes follow the path of my fingers. There is a silk belt tie at the waist, and I draw it apart, not slowly but not too fast either. When I slip the soft fabric of the dress from my shoulders, I'm left standing in just my lacy cream bra and panties and the pearl-decorated garter that matched Kerry's. The twins step close enough that I can feel the heat and coiled passion rolling off them in waves. My head is level with Liam's broad chest, and I breathe him in; the warm scent of his cologne and the unique scent of his skin make me lightheaded. Callum moves behind me, sweeping my hair aside so that it hangs over one shoulder before he kisses my neck softly. I find myself leaning into him, gasping as his hands rest on my hips and grip.

Liam bends to kiss me, a soft slide of his lips over mine, a gentle tug as he pulls my bottom lip between his, the rumble of a groan as Ihookmy hand around his neck and pull him toward me. I open my mouth, wanting his taste and the slide of his tongue over mine. With it comes the delicious clenching feeling I get between my legs when his hands clasp my bottom and squeeze.

My own hands are antsy, reaching to undo the buttons on Liam's shirt, wanting to see the impressive body I've imagined underneath his clothes and feel the heat of his skin against my palms. He pulls back and tugs the sleeves off quickly, standing before me, his chest rising and falling, eyes burning as he begins to undo his gray trousers too slowly.

"Watch him," Callum orders directly into my ear. The heat of his breath sends shivers spreading up my neck. His hands slide up my ribs and over my breasts, squeezing gently and then seeking out the front fastening. As Liam steps out of his trousers, Callum undoes the clasp, slipping the straps from my shoulders.

Brad had always hinted that my breasts were too small and spent time pointing out women in magazines with more impressive proportions. The way Liam looks at me wipes all that away. There's a moment when he hesitates to touch me, his hand hovering in the air as though he's enjoying the anticipation and imagining what I'll feel like in his palm. His first caress is gentle, and when his thumb merely grazes my nipple, I feel it pucker, seeking more contact.

"So beautiful," he says, his thumb passing back over the tip of my nipple, again and again, his eyes fixed on mine. I want to tell him to squeeze, to take it between his fingers and pinch it. Callum's hand snakes around from behind and does the very thing I'm craving to my other breast. The contrast is electric.

"Oh," I gasp, leaning into Callum again.

"She likes that," Liam says, meeting the eyes of his brother.

"Soft and hard?" Callum responds.


I want to tell them that I'm pretty much guaranteed to like whatever they do to me, but my mouth is firmly clamped shut as they continue alternating.

As much as I'm enjoying everything, I need more. I need to feel their skin under my hands, so I allow them to wander, palms skittering as they slide up Liam's sides, over ribs packed with muscle, then across nicely rounded pectorals until my thumb gently brushes his nipple. Liam hisses and takes hold of my hand, pushing it against his cock. And what a cock it is. For a moment, I think I must be confused. Surely this can't be real. But as I explore, allowing my hand to wander, I realize that it is. My pussy clenches now, and I know what’s coming. I feel a little overwhelmed because these boys are identical so Iknow what Callum's packing behind me is a mirror image. I'm hungry to see it, to know what his body is like in all its natural glory. When I move my hand to touch the waistband of Liam's Calvins, he gets the hint and drops them.

