Page 13 of 10 Inches

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“I think he wants to be the first to get Allie’s hands on his dick.” Jonas waves his fork in the air. He’s still eating, and I marvel at where he puts all the food in hisbionicallytoned athletic frame. Hollow legs!

“His rubberdick,” I correct.


“And what’s going to happen with these dildos after?” Russell’s brows form a serious line.

“You worried someone’s going to use yours to get off?” Jimmy mimics the movement of a dildo being wielded, and Oliver puts up a hand to diffuse the situation.

“There’s only one woman in this house,” Oliver says, “and I’m sure she’s perfectly happy with her sex life without the need of our homemade dildos.”

He couldn’t be more wrong. My sex life has been as dry as the Gobi Desert for far too long. I’m pretty sure things are closing up down there through lack of use. Hell, the idea of Carson’s cock in rubber form is way more appealing than it should be, and I feel like such a total loser for thinking that way.

“Who here is comfortable producing a rubber replica of their dick?” I ask to steer the conversation away from me.

There’s a moment of hesitation when the men look around at the others in the group to judge expressions, then hands start to rise. Everyone except Gabe and Theron have their hands in the air.

“Look.” Theron gesticulates like he’s chopping the air in fury. “It’s not that I’m uncomfortable about a replica of my dick existing. It’s the process of making the replica that I’m not stoked about.”

“Me either,” Gabe says.

“But if Carson comes down and says it’s no big deal, then I’ll do it,” Theron adds and like magic, Gabe nods his agreement too.

“Okay then. I guess the rest of the afternoon is going to be about rubber dicks.” Could my life get any stranger?

“You know these things come with vibrating inserts.” Tom waves the box in his hand.

“What?” My eyebrows practically hit my hairline.

“So, they’re less a dildo and more a vibrator,” Stefan observes.

“Ten vibrating dicks on the wall,” Jonas sings.

“We can line them up and toss a ball at them, like ten-pin bowling,” Jimmy adds.

The image of a bowling alley filled with giant purple vibrators makes me snort. Jeez.

I pick up my plate, and reach for more on the table but Stefan stands and takes over. “Leave this to us,” he says. “Russell and Oliver get a pass for cooking, and you get a pass for being pretty.”

Oh, he’s smooth as well as handsome. That’s a devastating combination. The flush of hot blood that colors my neck and cheeks can’t be concealed, and I press my hands against my face, embarrassed.

“Look at that,” Tom says, gently. “Allie can’t take a compliment.”

“Do I get a pass for being pretty?” Jonas flutters his long lashes.

“You get to sweep the floor for being a dick,” Stefan says, but it isn’t with any bite and Jonas shrugs his shoulders, accepting the task easily.

While the men clear the table and deal with the mess inside, I take the opportunity to take a stroll down to the beach, eager to check out the rest of our surroundings. There’s a gate at the back of the property and then a few steps, and I climb down until my feet hit the cool sand and the ocean stretches uninterrupted in front of me.

The air is moist and salty in my lungs, and I breathe deeply. As I approach the water, my phone, clutched in my right hand, begins to vibrate, and I lift it to check the caller ID.

It’s Dawn, my bestie who’s currently residing in Australia. Well, Byron Bay, to be exact. From the photos she’s sent me, the beach there is similar to where I’m standing.

I accept the video call and hold up the phone, so the first thing she sees is the ocean.

“What?” I hear her scream. “I didn’t know you were going on vacation!”

“I’m not. I’m working. But look where my assignment is!”
