Page 25 of Never Letting Go

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“No, I’d remember that compliment. But thank you. And you’re smoking hot yourself!” Rita touched her bare shoulder and made a hissing sound.

The two couples made their way to the dance floor. Soon Rita lost sight of Ari and Damon among the crowd. Though there were only about fifty people there for the weekend, they really filled the space.

Just as the song was winding down, the lights turned off for a few seconds.

Rita pulled closer to Grayson. “This is making me nervous.”

“Don’t worry,mi amor. They have generators, remember? Everything will be fine.”

The lights turned off completely. The music stopped.

Thunder boomed and shook the wall again.

This time, the power didn’t turn back on.

“How long did he say it would take for the generators to start working?” Rita asked.

“Ten minutes, I think.”

“That seems like a long time.”

He squeezed her hand. “It’s a big building.”

Several small lights turned on and shone around as people used their cell phones as flashlights. It was amazing how many people carried them even though there was no signal on the property.

Grayson turned on his too. “See? We’re all fine. Do you have yours?”

“Where would I put it with this dress? I swear designers make women’s clothing so we’re forced to buy purses.”

He held out his phone. “Take it.”

“Then what will you have?”

Grayson whipped out a skinny flashlight no bigger than his hand from his pocket. “Luckily designers give men plenty of storage space.”

“That’s convenient.” She grabbed his flashlight. “You keep your phone. I’m going to check on my grandma.”

He gave her a quick kiss. “I’ll check on the kids. I’m sure Sofia is freaking out, and my parents could use some help with her.”

They parted ways, and Rita weaved around the guests. A group of teens laughed as they used their phones lights to make scary faces at each other. She envied their ability to find the best in the situation without a care in the world. Some couples danced despite the lack of music, but most milled around the room in various states of nervousness.

Rita’s grandmother was at a table with a plate of food. Her mask sat next to it.

“Abuelita, how are you?” Rita sat next to her.

She smiled sweetly. “I’m fine. Don’t give me a second thought. Go enjoy your party.”

“You don’t need anything?”

“I’ve got these cupcakes. You know how I love sugar.”

Rita smiled. “Yeah. I’m pretty sure I got my sweet tooth from you.”

“Then you know I’m happy here. Go. Don’t worry about this old woman.”

“What old woman?” Rita kissed her cheek. “All I see is this young beauty in front of me.”

She waved Rita off. “Off with you, before your nose starts growing.”
