Page 53 of Never Letting Go

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Bella pointed to the left. “There are some stairs!”

Ariana raced toward them. Her soaked dress made rushing all the harder. When they reached the next level, she turned to Bella. “Are we anywhere near your room?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Let’s go to Rita’s suite.”

Ari didn’t wait for a response. She pounded on the door before Bella caught up with her.

The deadbolts unlocked and Grayson answered, looking annoyed. “Are you trying to wake Rita?”

Ari shoved Bella inside the room before slamming the door behind her. “The killer attacked Bella!”

“What?” Grayson’s eyes nearly popped out from his head. “Where is he?”

“Damon went after him. We weren’t too far from the main lobby.”

He flung open the door, then raced down the hallway.

Bella closed the door. “What now?”

Ari motioned toward Rita, who was still sleeping. “Why don’t you get some rest with your sister?”

“After I just got attacked?”

“Are you injured?”

“No, but there’s no way I’m falling asleep!”

Ariana drew a deep breath and rubbed her temples. Damon and Grayson were both on their own, looking for the killer. How could things get any worse?

Knock, knock!

Why had she tempted fate by allowing that thought?

Things could always get worse. She knew that. And whoever was on the other side of the door was sure to have even more bad news.


Ari fumbled with the doorknob, her breathing ragged. Damon had gone after the killer. What if someone was bringing news that he’d gotten hurt?

Or worse?

A lump formed in her throat, and tears threatened at the thought.

She finally got the door open. A large middle-aged man loomed in front of her. It took her a moment to recognize Grayson’s dad.

“Is, is everything okay?” she asked.

He shook his head then stepped inside past Ariana and Bella. “Have you seen Emerson?”

“Not since the masquerade ball. Why?”

The older man paced the room, pulling on his hair. “His room was left wide open, but he was nowhere to be seen.”

“You’re sure he didn’t just step out real quick?” Ari asked.

“We waited twenty minutes! He wouldn’t have left with the door open. All of his things are in there, including his expensive new watch and all of his electronics. Something is definitely wrong. What if Mateo’s killer went after him?”
