Page 56 of Never Letting Go

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“Fine,” Rita said. “We’ll all just stay here and be damsels in distress, since you won’t let me leave.”

“It’s for your baby!”

“I know! That’s why I’m here. Otherwise, I’d already be long gone.”

Ariana drew a deep breath. “Let’s not turn on each other. I’ll go out and see who I can find.”

“Be careful!” Rita crossed the room then threw her arms around Ariana. “I don’t want something to happen to you! You can’t be the next person who disappears. You just can’t! You’re my best friend, Ari.”

She embraced her friend. “And you’re mine. That’s why I have to go out there and help find a way to end this madness. Get some sleep, because tomorrow you’re going to walk down the aisle.”

Rita frowned. “That seems more doubtful with every passing moment.”

“You’re getting married. Don’t let anything get in your way.”

“Here. Take this.” Rita grabbed her sister’s single pump.

“I’m already wearing shoes.”

“Use it as a weapon. Obviously.”


“Be careful!” Rita squeezed her again.

“I will.” Ari went to the door and opened it. “You two stay here.”

“You’re my hero!” Rita called.

“Wait until I do something before you decide that.”

“Just the fact that you’re willing to risk it all makes you a hero.”

Ariana stepped into the hall then closed the door. The first thing she needed to do was to change her clothes. Hopefully that would give her time to figure out what exactly her next move was.

Hopefully nobody else would disappear in the meantime.


Damon loosened his top button and leaned against a wall. He’d gone through more hallways than he could count and still hadn’t found the person who attacked Bella. His clothes were halfway dry now and starting to smell weird.

The killer was probably long gone and back in hiding. Hopefully Ari had gotten Rita’s sister to safety and was changing into her own dry clothes. He headed in that direction, eager to don something dry and comfortable before figuring out what to do next.

He rounded a corner and nearly crashed into Grayson.

“Did you find Trey?” Grayson asked.

“No, but I take it you’re looking for him too.”

“You’d better believe it.” Grayson punched the air. “I’m going to kill him!”

“Don’t let anyone else hear you say that. I know you’re just venting, but with everything else going on—”

“You’re right. That’s the last thing I should say. But he killed one of my best friends!”

“We’ll find him and stop him.”

Grayson looked around. “That plan hasn’t worked for us yet. What ground have you covered?”
