Page 50 of Don't Trust Her

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I now know what I would’ve been like if I’d been given the family I deserved. Or maybe I’d have appreciated it, unlike her. Made better decisions. I certainly would’ve reached out to my twin sister after finding out about her. If she would share her wealth with anyone, it should be her own flesh and blood, the person she shared a womb with for the first part of our existence.

But she’s too selfish, won’t let go of a single penny. She’ll find out how well that’s going to work out for her when I take it all. The princess can figure out how to fend for herself like I did, having no rich parents or husband to protect her from the harsh realities of life.

I can’t wait for that moment when the scales of fairness balance.

Meanwhile, I must wait. It could take me months to worm my way into her life, to convince her friends and family that I’m her. But it will all be worth it. So very worth it.

I park across the street while Angelina drops off her two youngest brats. She seriously got everything. Everything. I had two kids also, but the state took both of them away from me. Wouldn’t give them back even after I cleaned up. Sure, I didn’t have a place to live or a job, but I got myself off drugs. I was trying to make a life for myself. That should have counted in my favor.

Then I managed to get a seedy place and a crappy job at McDonald’s as a janitor. Sure, I needed the help of a guy named Joaquin, but I did it. I had an apartment and a paycheck, plus I had a relationship and the cash he brought in.

But I didn’t know he had a prison record. How is that fair that they held that against me?

Since I’m not one to be easily deterred, I kicked him out and was able to save some money for my Pinto, so at least I had a car. I even managed to get car seats for the kids. That wasn’t easy—those things are expensive. You’d think if the state cared so much about kids’ safety, they’d give those things away. But no. It’s all about squeezing more money out of hardworking people.

Not that it mattered. Joaquin left me a present when he moved out. I didn’t find the baggie before the case worker did, and so now I have a record, too.

If Joaquin had been worth the trouble, I’d have ruined his life. Not that I’d needed to. He’d been doing a good enough job of that on his own. Besides, it was in my efforts to take him down that I started looking into my twin. When I found out about her cushy lifestyle, I forgot all about what’s-his-face. And my kids are probably better off without me.

Unless I can find a way to get them after becoming Angelina London.

The caseworkers would probably give my kids to her in a heartbeat. She’s a blood relative, and the state is all over that type of thing. But six kids under one roof? It’s a lot to think about. Then I might have to actually keep this minivan.

Angelina steps outside of the fancy-pants preschool, and I gear myself up. Once I figure out where she’s going for the morning, I can finally make my first step. Then the second step, the third, and so on. Soon I’ll be on my way to living her life. The one I should’ve had from the beginning.

I want it so badly I can actually taste it.

Nothing is going to get in my way. Her lifewillbe mine.


Angelina pulls into a coffee shop parking lot and hugs her best friend. They strut into the building, talking and laughing, with no idea they’re being watched. If I know one thing about those two, it’s that they’ll spend the entire morning together.

This is perfect for me. I head for the other end of town and decide what my first move will be. My heart beats erratically with anticipation. I’m going to find somewhere she frequents and pretend to be her. The best way to ease into my new role is to practice with people who don’t know her well. If I mess something up, a cashier at a store is less likely to notice than if I start with a closer friend.

I pull into a parking spot at a boutique Angelina frequents. Seriously, who goes into aboutiqueon the regular? What an exciting life.

It’s too much to take. I have to hold back a yawn. Nope, can’t do it. It’s the biggest yawn of my life.

Am I really sure I want to take on her life in this sleepy town? I picture the house and the bank account. Yes, actually, I am. It’s her turn to figure out life on her own and my turn to have it easy for a while. Time for me to have things handed to me.

I go inside and nearly cough at the overwhelming fragrance that immediately hits me. I can’t tell if it’s from a candle or incense, but wow. It’s strong. Everything these women buy must make their homes reek of the store. I mean,boutique.

A bored-looking woman with tight curls and a tighter expression welcomes me back and calls me Angelina.

I force a smile and thank her politely. Time to get into character. And it works.

The woman tells me to let her know if I need any help and adds that the shirt I was so interested in last time is still available.

Another polite thank you, then I disappear behind an overly dressed mannequin. I pretend to be interested in some plain necklaces. My pulse is faster than normal, and I need to make it chill out, stat. I’m here to find out what I can about my twin. I can’t do that unless I pull myself together.

So far, I’m doing good. A woman who knows my sister by name didn’t bat an eye at me. She totally believes I’m her.

I can do this. And I will. My entire future depends on it.

The woman is talking with two other customers. I’m sure if Angie were here she’d be yucking it up with those losers, but I’m not there yet. This is going to take time, and I have to ease myself into this life. It’s probably going to take weeks.

Taking over someone’s identity won’t be easy. I don’t expect it to be. But there’s no way I can go back to my old life. I went to all the effort to get clean, so this should be a piece of cake—especially with me thinking so clearly these days.
