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Bishop Blackstone will pay for this. And heaven help him if he laid one finger on her… I can’t even finish that thought.

I slam my fist against the bar in the back of the Rolls Royce taking me to the airport. How could I let any of this happen?

A few minutes later, Stefan pulls into the side gate at the executive airport, passing through security and taking me to my own personal hangar where my jet is on the tarmac ready to go.

Dean and I exit the car in a rush.

“Holy shit,” Dean says, spotting Ronin standing next to my jet.

It’s dark in Colorado, the sun’s rays long lost over the mountain tops. Ronin stands in the shadow, and right next to him is my bride-to-be.

My temper boils. Liar. He does have her.

He steps toward me, calling out my name. How dare he. How dare he lie to me.

I’m half-tempted to rush over there and punch him in the throat. The other part of me is relieved to see Clementine standing safely on the tarmac.

I need answers. And I need them now.

I step closer, my mind waging its own war against Ronin’s motives.

There’s nothing he could possibly say to make any of this ok.

I step closer, my own mind playing tricks on me. Until the moment my sweet Clementine turns around and those golden eyes land right on me.

Oh, fuck.

Chapter 41


Be strong. Don’t let him see me cry.

I won’t cry. I won’t do anything but just be a statue. No emotion.

I don’t say a word, my mind already trying to play out every scenario of escape possible. I can do this.

Breathe, Clementine, breathe.

“It’s you,” my captor says.

“It’s me.” I glare back into the dark eyes of Bishop Blackstone.

Standing on the sandy shore I’ve been transferred to, he looks every bit the rogue he is. From his rumpled jet-black hair to the broad shoulders and lean muscles encased in dark slacks and tight-fitting black tee, he's a classic villain. Handsome, in a bad boy, don’t-get-too-close-or-your-heart-will-get-broken type of way.

“What do you want, Bishop?”

He smiles at Duke, showcasing a set of straight white teeth and a dimple. “Like she doesn’t know what I’m after.”

I rub my arms up and down my shoulders, trying to fight off the chill in the night air. “You’ll have to kill me first.”

Bishop steps closer, cracking a smile. “Why do you have to be so dramatic? No one said anything about killing anyone.”

I narrow my eyes, not answering him, anger coursing through me.

He inches even closer. “I want what I’ve always wanted. And I know you know what that is.” He leans in where his nose is mere inches away from mine. “Don’t you?”

I don’t back down from his menacing stare. “Just let me go, please.”
