Page 59 of One Night

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Kellen:Yep. Nervous as fuck, poor guy. Pretty sure my dick was the first he’s had inside his ass, but rather than being stoked about it, I was…bored.

My brow furrowed.

Kellen:Banging a different man just about every other night seemed like good payback once upon a time, but it’s starting to get old.

Kellen’s ex-fiancé had cheated on him two days before their wedding, torn his heart in two, and left him to bleed out with a pile of debt for vows that had never gotten exchanged. His retaliation had been to become an Elite, and he’d had plenty of dick in his time with the company. I wondered over his lack of enthusiasm when he’d been driven to fuck as many men as he could without getting his heart involved.

Me:What are you going to do?

A few minutes of deep quiet passed as I waited for my friend to reply. Jasper still hadn’t stirred from where he curled up beside me, hand resting beneath his smooth cheek.

He was so damn pretty. I barely refrained from running my fingertips over his nose, along his plump, lower lip I wanted to nibble on. In sleep, a natural blush stained his cheeks, and I imagined him wearing a pink shirt unbuttoned—and matching panties cradling his bulge.


He would eventually share that part of him with me, but maybe I could drop hints that I wouldn’t be turned off by him allowing his feminine side out to play. Let him know without saying a word about my snooping in his bottom drawer that I would accept him no matter what.

Give him anything he wanted, any time of the day.

A ding pulled my focus to my cell.

Kellen:Maybe I ought to go back to Maine for good and finally lick my wounds rather than a bunch of random dicks.

His wording caused a smirk to curl my lips. Kellen definitely enjoyed getting on his knees—offering his mouth as afuck youto his ex. He held the power in making that choice, and no one but him could take it away.

Me:I’m here if you want to talk it out. I’ll help you pack, do whatever you need.

Kellen:I appreciate you, man.


Jasper shifted onto his back, and I once more gave him my full focus. His hair stuck up at all angles, his nose wrinkling as a frown flitted over his brow. Breath steady, his expression soon relaxed.

God, did I want him—so damn badly. I would willingly offer anything. Giveupeverything to keep him in my life forever.

Tapping my messaging app open once more, I clicked on Micah’s name. My fingers didn’t shake as I typed out my official resignation from Elite.

I probably should have waited to speak with him in person, but I realized after setting my cell aside and curling toward my lover that my body had needed complete closure before it would even consider rest.

Like all good things, peaceful sleep came to an end.

I dreamed of Joseph’s deceitful smile. Blue eyes that lied. Hands that took—hurt—rather than soothed. He once more shook me to my core, ripping my calm away.

And in the moment between dreaming and waking, he fought against Jasper’s pull on my mind.

Dark and light.

Fear and joy.

Assault and comfort.

Gentle kisses on my panting mouth drew me back to reality. Words promising loyalty and tender protection encouraged me to open my eyes.

Jasperleaned over me—not Joseph.

I buried my face in his chest and wept yet again, overrun by emotions. He held me without complaint, offering nothing but words to build me up and warm touches to help ground me.

Shutting down didn’t exist as an option when I lay in Jasper’s arms. He forced me to remain vulnerable. Open to distraction and redirection of my thoughts. And I loved him for choosing me. Believing in me. Wanting the best for my life.
