Page 78 of One Night

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Mason and Kellen remained close regardless of his quitting Elite. I’d heard that sparks flew between Detective Jenner—JJ—and Kellen. They definitely had something going on, but Mason’s friend gave vague answers whenever he got nosey.

My lover and Kellen had spent the day together, something I’d insisted Mason do every couple of weeks.

Outside work, Mason and I were attached at the hip. He needed to be himself sometimes, not “Mason with Jasper” every second of the day. When I’d first insisted on time away from each other, he’d been devastated—until he figured out that I merely wanted him to know who he was when I wasn’t around.

My feelings for him wouldn’t change, and I’d felt confident that our love would only grow since neither of us carried around secrets any longer.

I’d been proven right.

Whenever Mason went out with his co-workers or friends, he returned a hungry man, begging for my attention. He even initiated contact on occasion, and I enjoyed every second of him being in charge. But when it came time for gratification, he always gave over and let me lead.

Fuck, did I love him.

Saturday night, he came in after hanging with Kellen since early afternoon. Pink flushed his cheeks, lust lit his eyes, and I expected him to fall on me where I sat on the couch in a silk robe covered in butterflies.

I eyed him as he moved toward me, noting how his hand clenched and relaxed at his sides like he milked a damn cow. “Everything okay, baby?”

His head jerked up and down.

Something was definitely off, but I kept silent until he stood before me. He stared at me, unease in his gaze, his feet shifty—but inner peace still rolled from him.

I took his hand, threading my fingers with his since he seemed to need help grounding himself.

“Make love to me?” he asked, his voice a thready whisper.

Standing, I slid my other hand to his nape, drawing him closer. He sagged against me as our mouths brushed. The sweetness of his breath, the softness of his whiskers, raised a sigh from my lungs.

Comfort and deep yearning wound together in an unbreakable bond between us, making me hunger to bring him pleasure.

We broke apart, and I led him to our bedroom, flicking off the living room and kitchen lights on our way.

He stood at the foot of our bed, hands once more clenched at his sides as I shut our door.

Rather than ask what had him unsettled, I moved in close to strip him down, knowing my attention and touch would calm his inner anxiety. I grasped the hem of his T-shirt.

He shivered.

I lifted and paused at his chest uncovered. “Mase—” My voice broke, and I quickly tore his shirt off the rest of the way and dropped it to the floor.

Jasperwas spelled out in scripted ink over his heart.

He swallowed audibly as I traced my shaking fingertip over the letters of my name. “I didn’t want the reminder of him on my skin anymore,” Mason whispered. “What he’d meant for evil, I turned into something beautiful. Your name is etched on my heart, my soul—and now on my skin for the world to see.”

My throat tightened. I couldn’t speak.

“D-Do you hate it?”

I shook my head quickly. “No—no, I don’t hate it—fuck, Mase. Baby.” A tear slid down my cheek, and I leaned in, kissing the covered scar I’d shown love to every time we came together. He’d tattooed my name on his skin. Permanently.

Fuck, I wanted to do the same.

I undressed my lover the rest of the way until he stood before me, shivering and so damn needy his dick leaked. I shed my robe, and kissing his mouth, I walked forward until the bed hit the back of his knees. We tumbled onto the mattress, both of us moaning as our bodies caressed chest to feet.

“Love you,” I murmured, trailing my mouth along his neck.

A shiver slid over him as I sucked on his clavicle hard enough to leave a slight mark. He groaned, shifting his hips to press his cock against my satin-covered one.

I licked to his other side, marking his skin there as well.
