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“Apparently Cam’s having sexual dysfunction issues,” Levi said with a smirk.

I flipped him off and directed my attention to Parker. “You having a good time?”

He nodded. “This is awesome. Seriously. I like everyone here, which is hard to do.”

I tipped my head toward Ian. “Are you having a good time too?”

Ian half-shrugged. “Sure. It’s better than what I was going to be doing, which was sitting at home watching TV alone.” He looked at Parker before speaking again. “I’m going to go get myself a drink. I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t get lost,” Parker said with a chuckle.

Once Ian was gone, I tipped my chin in the direction he’d gone. “Who is he, anyway?”

“Ian? He’s a new neighbor, a few doors down.”

Levi turned his head to the side, watching Ian as he walked away. “Not bad, Park.”

Parker growled a little. “Stay away. He’s only here because I invited him, not because he wants to get hit on by a kickball jock.”

Bennett snorted. “Is ‘kickball jock’ even a thing?”

Jared shook his head. “Definitely not.”

“Gym monkey, then. Whatever. Leave mydatealone.” Parker shot back.

It wasn’t long until we’d eaten delicious appetizers that Oliver had whipped up, finished the cupcakes, and were packing up Parker’s car with the gifts of alcohol and sending him home.

Once I was back inside, I thanked Cara profusely for her part in planning and executing the party. She’d transferred from Hidden Cove a month before to train the staff at Metamorphosis and loved the East Coast so much she decided to stay, and in the meantime, we’d become friends.

“Really, you’re welcome. I had fun. I love planning parties. Let me know if you need anything else.”

“What Ineedis to steal my husband away for the night.”

Cara laughed. “Good luck with that.”

“I know, I know.” Oliver worked long hours at the restaurant, especially since the kitchen had been finished and he’d had to hire and train his staff. The restaurant had been up and running for only a couple of weeks and I knew there was zero chance he’d be home anytime soon. I hopped in the car and took myself home alone.

After a long search, we’d purchased a five-bedroom, four-and-a-half-bath house a little north of Port Grandlin that had a good-sized kitchen, and even though the backyard lacked a lot of space for entertaining, there was a small deck in the yard and a huge soaker tub in the main bathroom. It had cost more than I’d imagined I’d ever be able to afford on a house, but Oliver had insisted on purchasing it without contribution from me. “What’s mine is yours,” he’d insisted as he signed to buy the house.

Tenderloin greeted me with her usual indifference. I’d tried to make inroads with her, but she had zero interest in welcoming another human in her life. “It’s okay,” I said to her, hanging my keys on the hook by the front door. “I wouldn’t like it if Oliver brought a new person to move in with us, either.”

Hours later, I woke to the bedroom door creaking open and Oliver padding through the bedroom. I watched as he stripped down to nothing and climbed into bed, exhaling a long, deep breath as he settled in. Wordlessly, I placed a hand on his hip, stroking with my thumb, and Oliver rolled to face me.

“I thought you’d be asleep. Did I wake you?”

I yawned. “I was. You did, but I don’t mind. I wanted to see you.”

His soft smile was barely visible in the moonlight and the light from the hallway. “Now you’ve seen me. Go to sleep. I don’t want to keep you up.”

“Tomorrow’s Sunday. I don’t have to work. I don’t mind staying up with you a little while.”

He hummed quietly. “How was the party?”

“It was perfect. Thank you so much.”

Oliver reached over and stroked my face. “I’m glad.”

We were quiet for a moment before I reached between us and ran my fingers along the length of his cock, eyebrows raised. “How tired are you?”
