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“Yes, Chef.” Her tone was soft and timid. I didn’t want to be the stereotypical chef that terrorized his kitchen staff, not anymore, but she had graduated culinary school and still didn’t really know what she was doing, and I’d be damned if some inexperienced new cook was going to come in and ruin my kitchen and my reputation. Not with my plans to open a new location on the line.

Instead of dwelling on it, I made my way to the office, wiping my forehead on my sleeve and my hands on my apron. The office was cooler than the kitchen by quite a few degrees and I sighed as I walked in, relieved by the cool air. “Fuck me, that feels good,” I muttered under my breath.

At that moment I noticed the guest sitting in the chair behind my desk, his cheeks a blazing shade of red. He jumped up and offered his hand to me, fumbling over himself. “Oh, hi! I’m, um, Cameron. Cam. Newton. You called me Mr. Newton the other day, and the hostess did too, but really, it’s just Cam. I’m here for the bachelor party thing, remember?”

I raised my eyebrows and took his hand, unable to suppress a smile at his blushing and fumbling. “Yes, I remember. Cam Newton. Good to meet you. I’m Oliver Ridley.” His hand was a little smaller than mine and warm, but he shook firmly, sending an electric jolt straight to my groin. He was cute, more attractive than I’d expected, with dark brown eyes and brown hair combed to the side. His body was well displayed in a fitted white button-down and snug dark blue slacks, a silver tie around his neck, accentuating his long throat with an Adam’s apple showing just above where his shirt came together. I couldn't help but wonder what his ass looked like and I wished I could ask him to turn around.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Chef Ridley.”

I smirked, liking the way he said my title. “You can call me Oliver, Cam.”

He nodded and his cheeks turned a pleasant shade of pink as he bit his bottom lip. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t immediately think about how that lip would feel betweenmyteeth, and I was also immediately embarrassed at my own thoughts. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop the thoughts, and tried to focus on the dinner party I was catering, rather than the cute host.

“Thank you for meeting with me, Oliver.” He looked down at his shoes for a second before meeting my gaze again. “I just wanted to make sure everything is ready to go.”

Normally I’d be very reassuring, but something in me couldn’t help but want to fuck with him a little. “I hope you’re not implying that Iwouldn’thave everything ready,” I said.

“No, it’s not that. It’s more… how do I say this? All of my friends think I’m a flake and I’m going to screw this up.”

“Oh?” I tilted my head to the side and dropped my bullshit to listen instead.

He nodded earnestly. “I tend to be a go-with-the-flow kind of guy. I don’t usually make plans very well. So when Theo, the groom, picked me to plan his bachelor party, everyone was surprised. Maybe a little jealous. Okay, a lot jealous. It made me nervous. So I’ve been, like, overpreparing for this party and I need it to go off without a hitch. Nobody will trust me with important things ever again if I screw this up.”

My chest tightened and I knew at that moment there was nothing I wouldn’t do to make sure the party was perfect for them. I pressed my palm to the spot over my heart. “I give you my word.”

He exhaled slowly. “Thanks, Che—Oliver.”

“Of course. Is there anything else you need? Your party is supposed to be here in just a little while.”

Cam shook his head. “No, that’s it. I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to see me. And answer my phone calls.Allof my phone calls.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “I’ll admit I’ve never had a client quite so persistent.”

“Glad to be the best at something.” He nodded at me and headed toward the door. “Thanks again.”

“Have a great time in Vegas,” I called as he walked out of the office and back toward the front of house. I couldn’t help myself—I peered at his ass as he walked away, and it was nice. Really nice. Along with the rest of him.

I sighed deeply as he disappeared through the doors leading to the front of the house. I didn’t mind being single most of the time—the life of a chef was suited to one of solitude, especially a chef with out-of-state ambitions—but that didn’t mean I didn’t have needs. I made up my mind then that I would leave a little early for the second night in a row. I’d head to Julian’s, a gay bar near the restaurant, and either get hammered or get laid. Maybe both.

Chapter Four


Iwassofullmy stomach ached as I took the last sip of my glass of wine and had one last bite of the bananas Foster in front of me. I’d eaten way too much because Chef Oliver had pulled through in a big way. Most of the members of Out and Kickin’, our gay kickball team, were seated around a massive table at Hidden Cove, along with a few of Nate’s friends from back home, and we were all finishing up our drinks and desserts.

As I started to get up, Parker leaned over and put a hand on my shoulder, speaking loudly. “Gotta hand it to you, Cam. This was fucking incredible.”

A chorus of agreement rose from the table, and Theo cleared his throat. “Cam, I really appreciate what you did for us tonight. You picked the perfect restaurant.”

Nate nodded. “Thanks, man. It means a lot to us.”

I shrugged, trying to look casual even as my cheeks warmed with pride. “It was no problem, really. A few phone calls was all. Chef Ridley took my ideas and ran with them. It wasn’t even that much work on my part. Honest.”

At that moment, Chef Ridley walked up to the table. “Did I hear my name?” He placed a palm on the back of my chair and leaned in close to shake my hand, enveloping mine in a way that sent heat racing through my veins. “Cam, good to see you again. I just wanted to check on your party one last time before you all left. Is there anything else I can do for you all?”

I shook my head. “Thank you, Oliver—I mean, Chef Ridley.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Nate raising his eyebrows. “I just want to say thank you to you and your kitchen staff.” He took Theo’s hand on top of the table. “My future husband and I are really grateful.”

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