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“Of course I am. It didn’t seem right to fuck around if we hadn’t established ground rules or anything. And then… you know…”

I frowned. “What?”

Parker mumbled something and took a deep breath. “I’m kind of into you.”

My stomach fluttered. “You are?”

He laughed a little and reached out to put his hand on my shoulder. “It’s not obvious?”

Was it? I thought back to all the little moments we’d had preparing for the wedding, the way he let his thigh touch mine when we sat next to each other, the way it felt when we kissed. I must have been incredibly dense. “Yeah, I guess it is.”

He reached out and pulled me close, kissing me gently. I ached for more, to keep going, to go farther than we had before, but I was also terrified. I was scared I’d do something wrong, or not enjoy it, or even that Parker wouldn’t enjoy it.

“Let’s go to sleep. We can figure everything else out later. I’m not in any hurry.”

His words warmed me, and I nodded. “Thanks.” I wiggled around until I was curled up under the blankets, Parker’s chest against my back, his arm slung around my waist. As I drifted off, he pressed a kiss to my shoulder. “Goodnight,” he murmured in my ear. It was the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep.

I woke the next morning to the wind rustling through the dry leaves. Parker was slung across me, snuggled up tight with his arm draped over my chest. I slipped out of his embrace as carefully as possible so I didn’t wake him, slipped my boots on, and opened the tent just enough to climb out. Parker stirred a little but didn’t wake as I zipped the tent closed again.

The parking lot wasn’t far and I trudged out of the woods to find that there were several cars parked in the lot already. I honestly hadn’t expected to see anyone until lunchtime, when people would start looking for a pretty place to pull over and have a picnic. I counted my lucky stars and approached a couple of guys standing next to their car, chatting.

“Morning!” I called. They looked over at me, suspicion in their narrowed eyes. “Sorry to bother you. My truck died last night. Battery went out. Any way you could give me a jump?”

The guy on the driver’s side, who looked to be about my age, stuck his hands in his pockets, a lock of curly blond hair falling across his forehead. “You slept in your truck?”

I shook my head and jerked my thumb toward the woods. “I had some camping gear, so we set up camp a little ways into the woods. It wasn’t too bad, but I’m ready to get back on the road.”

The blond guy brushed his hair out of his face and looked at his friend before turning back to me. “Sure, we can do that.”

Relief and gratitude washed over me. “Thank you so much. I’m Travis, by the way.”

“I’m Alan and this is Kent.” He nodded toward his friend. “Give me just a sec and we’ll get you taken care of.”

A few minutes later, Alan’s car was pulled next to mine, charging cables going from his battery to mine, his engine purring. We chatted and let it charge for about fifteen minutes before I attempted to start my truck. The engine turned over immediately, rumbling to life as I breathed a sigh of relief and the guys both cheered.

As I was disconnecting the cables, a shirtless Parker stumbled out of the woods, looking adorably confused. His brow was furrowed as he rubbed a hand over his face.

I turned to Alan and Kent. “That’s my fiancé, Parker.”

They both nodded knowingly and smiled. “Good luck getting home. And good luck with the wedding,” Alan said. He slid into the car and they were off.

Parker raised his eyebrows and gestured toward the truck, which was still running. “What was that?”

“They jump-started the truck for us. We just need to pack up our gear and we can be on our way.”

He grinned and shivered. “Good. I’m fucking freezing. Let’s get out of here.”

Thirty minutes later, we were throwing the bags into the back of the truck and slamming the tailgate closed. The minute we were on the road again, Parker plugged his phone in, and as soon as it had enough battery charge, he turned it on and texted his boss that he needed an unplanned day off. Instead of heading straight home, I stopped at the first auto parts store I saw to install a new battery in the truck to ensure that we wouldn’t get stuck again—at least, not on that trip.

By lunchtime, I had dropped Parker off at his house and made it back to mine. I showered and settled down on the couch, debating whether to eat or hold off until dinnertime, when I got a text from my friends.

Nick: Hey Trav, where have you been? We haven’t seen you in ages. You forget about us or something?

Dylan: Yeah, what gives? You too busy getting all the good dick from Fyre to hang out with us anymore?

Nick: Finally gave up the V-card, huh?

I grinned at my phone and rolled my eyes.

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