Page 217 of Haunted

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Saturday, October 1

San Francisco

Sol removed the last rope from Tyler’s body, and a ripple of applause came from the ten or so guys who’d been watching the Shibari demonstration.

“That was really good,” someone said, and there was murmured agreement.

Except Sol knew the truth. It hadn’t beenthatgood, not really. He’d lacked focus, and it hadn’t helped that every time he tied a knot or tightened a rope around Tyler, it wasn’t Tyler he saw in his head, but a certain cowboy, his head bowed as Sol drew the rope over his nipple, teasing it, loving the shudder that ran through his body…

Enough. That chapter is over.

It didn’t help that a still, small voice in his head kept suggesting it didn’t have to be.

Tyler let out a contented sigh. “Thank you, Sir.”

Sol patted his shoulder. “Thank you for helping.” He smiled at Will who walked up behind Tyler and hugged him. “And thankyoufor loaning Tyler to me for the demonstration.”

Will waved a hand. “Don’t mention it. I know my boy’s missed this since Toby left. I figured if I was going to give him what he needs, I’d better learn how to do this.”

Sol took in Tyler’s blissful expression. “You already give him what he needs—you.”

Will beamed. “He’s such a special boy.” He kissed the top of Tyler’s head. “I have a room for us, where we can be quiet for a while.”

Tyler’s face glowed. “I’d love that, Master.” The two men walked off together, Will’s arm around Tyler’s waist, Tyler’s head against Will’s shoulder.

You could have what they have.

He wanted to shut out such thoughts. He didn’t want to be reminded of what he’d lost.

What he’d walked away from.

“Hey, Sol.” Sean crossed the floor to join him at the stage. “You got a minute?”

“I have now. What’s up?”

“We’ve got a new guy here today, checking out the club. A sub. Apparently he’s heard of you.”

Sol managed a smile. “Wow. I have a reputation?”

“So could you show him around, maybe answer any questions?”

“Sure.” When Sean didn’t move, Sol gave him an inquiring glance. “Was there something else?”

“Are you okay?”

Damn. He’d thought he’d done a better job of masking his emotions.

“Not really, but I will be. Time will take care of that.”

And about a thousand miles.

“If you need to talk…”

Sol smiled again. “Thanks, but I’m fine. Now, where’s this sub?”

“I left him in my office. You can talk in there. I’ve got an errand to run. Casey’s around if you need him.” Sean strode off in the direction of the main door.

Sol tidied his ropes and placed them neatly on the stage, ready to go back into their bag. He headed for Sean’s office, grateful for the distraction.
