Page 75 of Haunted

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Sol smiled. “Wait till I’m done. You’ll be up to your knees in bookings.”

“You really think so?”

Sol was unaccustomed to hearing anything but confidence in Toby’s voice. Then he realized what a huge undertaking this had to be for him—for both of them.

“It’ll be fine. You’re offering something pretty unique here. I’m sure lots of guys will want to check it out. So I’ll be sure to add a section where guests can leave comments after their stay—giving you the option of vetting them, of course.”

“That sounds great.” Toby’s eyes twinkled. “By the way, I’d prefer to be up to my eyeballs in bookings.”

“Then I’d better make this a really kick-ass website, hadn’t I?” Sol gestured to the box containing the sling frame. “Why don’t we start with this one?”

“Sure.” Toby picked up a pocketknife from the floor and slit the tape across the top. “So…”

Sol waited, but Toby seemed to have run out of words. “So what?”

“Butch. How’s it going?”

“You can relax. We talked this morning.”

Toby pushed out a sigh of obvious relief. “Thank God. And? You didn’t walk in here with a face like thunder, so I’m assuming the conversation was amicable.”

“It was, once we got over a couple of obstacles.”

“Is he still acting like you’re a stranger?”

“No, he isn’t. In fact, he talked about us knowing each other in high school over breakfast.” Sol was still amazed by the turn of events. “I thought he’d take longer to get up enough nerve.”

Butch was apparently made of stronger stuff.

“That sounds like a win. Good for Butch.” Toby sat back on his haunches. “I have to ask… You were lusting after him in high school. Is there still a glimmer there?” He grinned. “Still think he’s hot?”

Sol gave him a hard stare. “I know that look. And that was a pretty loaded question.”

Toby regarded him with wide eyes. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Sureyou don’t. That was a long time ago. Ancient history.”

“And you haven’t answered my question. Do you still think he’s hot? You can tell me,” he wheedled. “It’s not as if we’re school kids and I’m going to go running to him during recess and say, ‘Hey, Solreallylikes you.’”

Sol snorted. “I wouldn’t put it past you.”

“And you still haven’t answered my question.”

He pushed out a growl. “For fuck’s sake, you are such a kid sometimes. Yes, he’s hot. Happy now?”

“How hot?” Toby demanded. “On a scale from one to ten, where one is lukewarm and ten is burn-the-sheets scorching?”

He’s an eight, maybe a nine.

Not that Sol was about to tell Toby that. He wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

“Knock knock.” Butch stood in the open doorway.

Sol froze.Please, God, tell me he didn’t hear any of that.

Toby glanced at him. “What’s up?”

“You expecting more stuff? Because there’s a delivery for you up at the house. Teague just called.”
