Page 28 of Blue Skies

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Greg:but you love it.

Micah:I do.

Greg:and I’m sure you’re giving as good as you’re getting.He added an eggplant emoji.

Micah:honey, you have no idea. Jake said if he’d known how hot married sex was, he’d have put a ring on it years ago.

Greg laughed and sent a bowlegged cowboy GIF.

Micah:reverse cowboy for the win.

This time, Greg snorted. Holden turned his head as Greg tapped out:always took you for a strictly missionary man, and added the devil horns emoji.

“What’s so funny?” Holden asked.

With a shake of his head, Greg told him about Micah and his now husband, Jake, as Micah threatened to end their friendship if Greg was going to utter such blasphemy.Ain’t no such thing with Jake, Micah said.But, seriously, how are you doing?

Greg looked up from his phone to stare at Holden as he contemplated how to respond to his friend.Good, he finally typed.Very good, actually. OMW to see the ‘rents. He sent the message, then tapped his fingernail against the side of his phone as he considered whether to tell Micah about Holden, finally telling him:and I’m bringing someone with me.

Anticipating Micah teasing him with a string of raunchy comments, he teared up at the man’s response:I’m so happy for you, hon. You deserve to find a good one.


Micah:I’ll light a candle, offer prayers, sacrifice a virgin if I can find one.

Greg laughed again.I appreciate all the help you can give me.

Micah:not for you, for the guy you’re with, so he realizes how amazing you are and doesn’t fuck it up.

Oh. Oh, shit.This time, the tears rose so quickly Greg couldn’t stop a few from spilling down his cheeks. He wiped at his eyes and sniffled as quietly as he could, but Holden still heard him and turned his head.

“You all right?” Holden asked.

“Yeah.” Greg wiped away a new batch of tears. “Micah’s just being a sap.”

Greg had just enough time to see the softness and affection in Holden’s eyes before the man turned his attention back to the road. “I’m glad you have such good friends.”

“Me too.”

Dammit, Micah, you’re making me cry, Greg typed out.But thank you.

Their conversation turned briefly to Luis and Darius—still no movement on that front; the two of them were as oblivious as ever to how they felt about each other—and Ricky. The redhead hadn’t come home after their night at Neon, and Greg had been too preoccupied with replacing his phone, getting his bloodwork and monthly injection done, and thinking about Holden to give it much thought. Ricky had used the group chat where they shared their schedules and requests for groceries to let his housemates know he was okay, but beyond that, he’d been silent.

Greg:he’s still pretty much a mystery to us.

Micah:give him time, he’s a good guy underneath all his shit. I wouldn’t have suggested him when I moved out if he was a jerk.

Greg:yeah, I know.

Outside the window, they were cresting a peak. The view was breathtaking, all snow-covered mountains and a deep valley stretching to the horizon. Greg raised his phone to take a picture and sent it to Micah.

Greg:where I am right now.

Micah sent back a heart, and Greg noticed that his signal was starting to fade.

Greg:looks like I’m hitting a dead zone, catch you later.

Micah:later. Love you!
